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Online Master's Degree Recommendations


Spy Navy
I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for online master's degree programs that they or their friends had good experiences with?

Either a school, or a specific major or program.

I am looking at shore duty and hoping to knock this out while I have the time to potentially benefit me on the outside. I have been looking, but am having a difficult time seperating the wheat from the chaff.

Some conditions:
- no business degrees. Business is not an interest of mine. I can't get excited for it, or the associated money.
- no hard science - I am a history major
- I live in Oak Harbor, WA and cannot travel due to work
- cost is no object - I will either use TA or the GI Bill
- I am not an aviator, so doesn't need to be aviation specific

Thanks in advance for any help or ideas!


ERAU. Masters Aeronautical Science in one of their 5 specialties (or be moto and do 2 for one extra class).


Do it. Now. I'm 1 year down and it's INCREDIBLY flexible and actually .... :eek .... fun.

After TA, $450/class for online. 12-week classes. Additionally, if you take a seminar, it's cheaper (~275 after TA) and shorter and all over the place.


New Member
But is it easy?
An easy master's degree is a cheap master's degree. A lot of employers laugh at online degrees. If online is the only way you can go, look at a state university that offers online classes. The University of Phoenix is NOT the way to go. Communications is an easy degree for undergrad. It probably is as a Master's too.


Super *********
Super Moderator
ERAU. Masters Aeronautical Science in one of their 5 specialties (or be moto and do 2 for one extra class).


Do it. Now. I'm 1 year down and it's INCREDIBLY flexible and actually .... :eek .... fun.

After TA, $450/class for online. 12-week classes. Additionally, if you take a seminar, it's cheaper (~275 after TA) and shorter and all over the place.

I'm doing ERAU as well but have yet to take an online course. I hear exactly as Chunks says though. I'm at 6 classes now and have 6 more to go.


New Member
I just signed up for AMU and from my own research on the university many people consider it very challenging depending on the field you are studying. I am doing my on intelligence analysis. If you are going for online the last thing you want to look for is easy. You want something challenging as that is the only way it can be an educational reward.


. You want something challenging as that is the only way it can be an educational reward.

Ok, new rule - you are not allowed to speak, although you are living up to your name :D:D:D

I did take a little offense, however, as the more I like a field of study, the "easier" it is and no less of an "educational reward" due to this easiness...


Solidly part of the 42%.
If and when I go for an online masters, it will 100% certainly be from a brick and mortar university that offers some of its programs online, like ERAU for instance.

There are a surprising number of top B&M universities that offer whatever degree you may want. They don't advertise it much because it diminishes the brand what with every other subway poster ad being for an online degree and such. They do however, recognize the niche of the busy professional desiring to further education without communting to the campus.

Google is your friend. That and just start checking the websites of top schools you would be proud to have a degree from and see what they have. You will probably be pleasantly surprised.


Active Member
A lot of employers laugh at online degrees. If online is the only way you can go, look at a state university that offers online classes.
Yea, the guys I know that got distance learning degrees from The Fletcher School at Tufts get laughed at all the time ;). There are many reputable universities and colleges that offer distance learning programs which award diplomas and transcripts that indistinguishable from those received by attending brick and mortar classrooms. Available technology has opened alot of doors for non traditional students and the old stigma attached to such degrees isn't really valid in many cases.


Coming from the guy wearing SWOveralls who went to college in the state of Georgia:D

OH MY GOD!!!! A U(sic)GA GRAD CAN NEVER TALK ABOUT AN EDUCATIONAL REWARD. EVER! Although the women are hot there....

You know what U(sic)GA grads call GT grads...

Boss (or Sir, in this case :D)


I think online schools are gaining more prestige.

Tell this guy, who got his MBA from an online school that it isn't as prestigious. He also chooses who will or will not be a nuke. ;)


While I agree with your conclusion, I disagree with how you got there. In the Navy, a postgrad degree is more of a check in the box. You either have one (accredited) or you don't.


There are a number of universities now offering Masters degrees predominantly online, but getting around the "online stigma" by having you come in for a few days IOT take finals at the end of the semester. While I got mine in the traditional way, this seems like a valid option. You'd have to do the legwork however as I don't have the names of many of them... And the one I do, I refuse to plug. :D
