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IRR it is !!!


New Member
I got the call this morning, the Navy is exercising the option to put guys on IRR. I'll be on of for about 4 months. So prepare for that guys.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
You gotta add a bit more info.

Are you commissioned? Or soon to be commissioned? Still in NROTC.

What does "I'll be on of for 4 months" mean?


New Member
My apologies, here is the info. I will be on IRR for 4 months. I am to be commissioned in December from ROTC.


I got the call this morning, the Navy is exercising the option to put guys on IRR. I'll be on of for about 4 months. So prepare for that guys.
Is this IRR -- like 'Individual Ready Reserve' ... ??? Or something else that I'm totally missing ... ???

If IRR -- it's a GOOD deal as you're NOT going to Flight School, anyway. Muster requirements are usually minimal and if you make the effort -- you can get some jobs/assignments that will be worth the time spent on them. It's better than sitting in PCOLA for 4+ months over the winter, sniffing your fingers, looking at the wall of your Ensign-apartment, and trying to decide whether or not to go to K-Mart today or tomorrow ...

Hell, we showed up in PCOLA and immediately went into a 300 man pool. We just mustered once/twice a week, PT'd occasionally, and sniffed our fingers. I usually went to K-Mart on Thursday.

You can make it what you want it to be ... in the ol' days, guys headed for PCOLA used to do a couple of years on battleships or cruisers prior to getting orders to Flight School. :)


Well-Known Member
Is this IRR -- like 'Individual Ready Reserve' ... ??? Or something else that I'm totally missing ... ???

If IRR -- it's a GOOD deal as you're NOT going to Flight School, anyway. Muster requirements are usually minimal and if you make the effort -- you can get some jobs/assignments that will be worth the time spent on them. It's better than sitting in PCOLA for 4+ months over the winter, sniffing your fingers, looking at the wall of your Ensign-apartment, and trying to decide whether or not to go to K-Mart today or tomorrow ...

Hell, we showed up in PCOLA and immediately went into a 300 man pool. We just mustered once/twice a week, PT'd occasionally, and sniffed our fingers. I usually went to K-Mart on Thursday.

You can make it what you want it to be ... in the ol' days, guys headed for PCOLA used to do a couple of years on battleships or cruisers prior to getting orders to Flight School. :)

These days IRR means no paycheck. Not a great situation for all those MIDN who opted for that USAA pre-commissioning loan and now owe $$$ upon commissioning.

I'm not sure of the exact situation, but I think there are other restrictions concerning medical/dental and housing as well.


These days IRR means no paycheck. Not a great situation for all those MIDN who opted for that USAA pre-commissioning loan and now owe $$$ upon commissioning. ....
I get it: it's hard. Life is not 'fair'.

But you mean guys can't survive for 4-5 months out of pocket ??? I'm sure USAA could cut some kind of 'grace period' when/if they know the situation ...

But even if not: I've been furloughed from the airlines 3 times and had one airline get shot out from under me ... + 1 strike. That translates into @ 24+ months on the street (or the IRR, if you prefer) ... w/ no pay, no bennies ... just bills, a family, and a mortgage. And you guys can't make it for 4+ months ... ???

If so, you're overextended ... and you (whomever) did it to yourself.

Cry me a river.


Cause I am most ill and I'm rhymin' and stealin'
words about A4s being composed entirely of NaCl...

The Navy has never put kids from NROTC straight into IRR before. It's unprecedented. It sucks. Unfortunately, there's jack shit anyone can do about it.

Like A4s said, things could be worse. It's only 4 months, and it completely blows that there are no pay or "bennies." Yes, you'll be sitting around with your thumb up your ass. Thankfully, they gave you a date that you'll start getting paid again. My advice is to find a part-time job, get in shape, and chase tail. God knows there isn't any sane trim in Pcola.

Keep your chin up like a Naval Officer should, bite that big shit sandwich, and ride out the four months. It'll be worth it in the end.

Good luck.


Yea the USMC has been screwing people over with IRR for a while now. But unlike you, I did not find out I was going to be put on IRR until the day before I commissioned. "Guess what, LT? You're not getting a paycheck for the next 5 months." The bright side is you at least have a month or two to find a job before you commission (I'm assuming you commission in December).

Its easy to mope and complain about situations like this. I've been commissioned for 1.5 years now, and have yet to sit in a cockpit. Yea I love complaining about it but hey... at least I have a steady paycheck coming in which is something most of my old college friends don't have.
This happened to several friends of mine who are Navy options. I just laughed at them because Marine officers have always gone straight to IRR after commissioning until TBS and they get to share in the joys of not getting paid as well. Just enjoy the time off, maybe travel or something. There won't be that many opportunities to do those things once you're swept up completely by the service.


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
Am I the only one who noticed the OP never complained about this? Just reporting what was going on? Either way, not a terrible deal. I'd have taken four months at home vs PCola if I could go back and do it again.