Well-Known Member
... there is no justice in the world.
Yeah... the Guard will take anyone

... there is no justice in the world.
Question for you Busdriver; Do AF helo guys get treated like second class citizens? I just assume with all the crazy expensive jets and big name projects it'd be easy for big blue to push you guys into the corner.
Depends on who's in charge. For a long time, the Rescue community struggled to get funding, things have gotten better in the past decade or so but we'll never have the money the fast movers get.
Not going to lie, didn't feel like reading all ten pages so I skipped ahead a bit; so if this has been answered already, chew me out and point me to the right page.
What about Navy v Marine as far as flying duties, and camaraderie amongst the people in each branch? I'm applying to the Navy currently, but it always seemed to me that Marines have much more pride in their history and patronage about their branch. They are proud to be Marines; don't feel like I hear the same about the Navy as often.
Not saying the Navy doesn't have any of that, but all I see on "making of a Marine" videos are DIs yelling like hell, and each Marine speaking of their honor for serving in the Marines; I don't see the Navy celebrating the Navy's birthday. Maybe it's just a different mindset between the branches?
Any thoughts?
I'll accept that.Read the ten pages. You already look stupid for asking something that has been asked a million times.
Nice.^And that my friends is why my generation is called "the entitled generation"....