• Please take a moment and update your account profile. If you have an updated account profile with basic information on why you are on Air Warriors it will help other people respond to your posts. How do you update your profile you ask?

    Go here:

    Edit Account Details and Profile

NEWS Forum Software Update


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
Well today I spent troubleshooting some issues with the forum regarding URL links and problems with the registration system (password reset forms/emails). I managed to successfully track the issues down and we should have full functionality back with the forum. Here are the items I updated:

  • New Forum Software: Upgraded to 1.4.6. No new features, just a bug fix.
  • Thread PRE-FIXES (new feature!): Enabled the option to put a prefix before the thread title. I am using "NEWS" for this thread post. Other options that I made up and included, where NSFW, ASTB, OCS, USN, GOUGE, USMC... Honestly I don't know if this feature is even needed, but I have seen it used on other forums. The main one that I think would be helpful would be selecting and using NSFW (not safe for work), to help identify any threads that should not be opened from a work computer. Open to any suggestions for other prefix additions or just getting rid of this option. You of course have the option to not use a prefix and ignore it.
  • User Registrations: The URL link has been fixed for new user registrations asking for email confirmations.
  • User Password Reset: The URL link has been fixed for password reset that is sent via email.
  • SSL Connection (HTTPS): The website server has been set to default to https, so you are now accessing the site via a secure connection. I wanted a more secure connection for login while on public networks (IE hotel wifi, etc, and yes, I use VPN while travelling, but I wanted the extra security for our logins).
  • Chat: Got rid of it (lack of use). If there are enough people that want it back I will turn it on.
  • Multi Quote (new feature!): Enabled the forum feature to Multi Quote from several posts across different pages. You should see a "+ Quote" in the bottom right of each post that you can click on.
  • Updated Forum Header Graphic: If you have any photos you would like me to use, send them my way!
  • Website Ads: To speed up the website, I updated all the google adsense code and made it asynchronous. Theoretically this means that the website will load and won't wait on an ad to be served. These ads help me pay for the server and forum software. As always, if you ever donated to the site, you should NOT be seeing ANY ads while logged in. Please message me if that is not the case and I will update your account settings.

Also, I put a new notification banner up requesting users to take a moment and update their profile. If you don't want to, you can click on the "x" in the top right of the banner and close that notification on the website. Not looking for anything besides a basic update if you have a moment. Most people look at the profile into to figure out who they are talking with and how to respond to posts. Anyways, if you have time, please update it (humorous entries get bonus points).

That's it. As always, if you have any questions or observe any website issues post them here or shoot me a message.


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Well-Known Member
Good stuff. Something handy that I just noticed: if you highlight (click+drag) something on a post, there's a little dialog box thats pops up so you can "+quote" or reply to whatever you highlighted. So instead of quoting a really long post and then deleting the non-pertinent stuff, you can just highlight one sentence and hit reply.


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
Two things I've noticed (not sure if they're related to the transition to HTTPS):

-NMCI Hates your certificates. You have to force it to show.

-The "Stay Logged On" feature doesn't work well. Pretty much every time I open it up, I have to log back in.


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
The logon should be good. I made a change yesterday that should have addressed it. If it is still happening I need more details. Browser. Link used. Etc.

NMCI. Not surprised. then again NMCI has never liked this site.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
This is what resolved the issue for me - Change the link in your favorites to this: https://www.airwarriors.com

The URL in my favorites had /forums/etc... I removed all of that and used the above. Works on IE 11 and Safari (iOS)


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
Ah. Forgot about that redirect. Guess I will change that one also!

I guess that's worth a beer or two if I ever have a trip to the Pacific Northwest!


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
So you have to manually redirect any of the possible URLs that people might use to access the site? Yikes!


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
So you have to manually redirect any of the possible URLs that people might use to access the site? Yikes!
Not exactly. The old forum software used a different linking (URL) structure in vbulletin. I had to utilize a dynamic redirect that would link to the correct posts in the new forum after it was transitioned over to xenforo. If someone had a bookmark, it would still work, or more likely, a search result linking to a previous page would be redirected (with 40k+ threads, and 700k+ posts), this is easier to manage with a redirect/rewrite of the URL. Since then, the site has been reindexed by google, etc. But I never removed it (since people like you still have the old link bookmarked). :D


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Noticed an interesting bug in the last few days. The mouse scroll wheel will randomly not scroll through a page. I can open a thread page and the scroll works normally, then click on the next page of posts and no scroll, then click on the third page and it works again. Only seen in IE 11 and does not happen in Chrome or on any other sites thus far. Doesn't seem to be a hardware issue, as I can go between tabs or apps where the scroll works fine, then go back to the AW tab and the bug is still there. This is a weird one.


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
I think I'm two software updates behind. I'll see what fixes they made.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
It's weird that it just started happening within the last week and that it affects how the particular browser behaves. I would have thought that something like browser scrolling would be completely independent from whatever site happens to be loaded.


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
Meh. Microsoft updates something and bam! Something breaks. Not surprised. Most of the updates lately have been compatibility related vice features. Until the next major upgrade for the forum software that xenforo is working on.