Looked around, haven't found a thread on this.
From O-1 to O-2, then O-2 to O-3 are often referred to as automatic. From what I've seen and heard its 2 year durations as an Ensign then you're a JG, and same from JG to LT.
How does the promotion work? At your 2 years of rank for each promotion does one day someone tell you to "change your bars stupid" or do you wait for something to happen? Do you get paid as a JG the first month after 2 years as an ensign? Same for LT?
I only ask because I've been working on a schedule for paying off college and other debts as fast as possible and want to make benchmarks based on pay that I can gauge my progress on and keep myself accountable to, sadly no new 1200 a month Porsche at the 2 year
From O-1 to O-2, then O-2 to O-3 are often referred to as automatic. From what I've seen and heard its 2 year durations as an Ensign then you're a JG, and same from JG to LT.
How does the promotion work? At your 2 years of rank for each promotion does one day someone tell you to "change your bars stupid" or do you wait for something to happen? Do you get paid as a JG the first month after 2 years as an ensign? Same for LT?
I only ask because I've been working on a schedule for paying off college and other debts as fast as possible and want to make benchmarks based on pay that I can gauge my progress on and keep myself accountable to, sadly no new 1200 a month Porsche at the 2 year
