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  1. CK#4

    24 Oct SWO Board

    NRD-LA Processor informed me of a 24 Oct SWO Board. Since the page only posted for August, which isnt open to everyone, and December, which is very far away, here you go!
  2. Intel101

    OCS Additonal documents after application submission.

    Does NRC allow additional LORS/awards to be sent after you already submitted application prior to board commencing?
  3. F

    Waiver for Mild Pulmonary Stenosis

    Hi there, I'm new to this board and am currently in the process of applying to OCS (SNA or SNFO). I have been told I have competitive stats for the flight program. I'm expecting to graduate from a top 5 US University next year with a 3.7 GPA and degrees in mathematics (special honors) and...
  4. FirstGenNavy

    Recruiters: Question about DOR

    I have a question for former and current Navy officer recruiters. My dream has always been to serve in the Navy. I was recently offered a commission as an intelligence officer, however, three weeks into Officer Candidate School, I dropped on request. Without going into much detail, my...
  5. Robert Washington


    Hello all! I'm taking the OAR in a few weeks and was hoping to find some gouge to study from or does anyone know any hard copy books that I can buy to help me out. Thanks! V/r, Robert Washington
  6. Future Pilot619

    Interested in Navy OCS

    Hello everyone! I hope your day is going well! I am currently in High school(my Junior year just ended today!) and I am highly interested in becoming an officer in the Navy. A little bit of background about myself: I am a Navy brat, my mother served in the Navy as a Hospital Corpsman for 24...
  7. Future Pilot619

    Interested In Becoming a pilot for the USMC through NROTC

    Hello all! I just made an account on this awesome site and had some very important questions to ask. I am currently a Junior in high school(about to be a senior) and I have been thinking about joining the military, I am a Navy brat who's interested in flying for the military. I have decided to...
  8. E

    OCS Preparing for OCS in college

    I'm a sophomore in college and plan on applying for Navy OCS upon graduation. Working towards receiving an SNA contract but want to join the Navy regardless. Haven't been able to find exact information on this for more recent years. -From my understanding, BDCP is out of commission. Is this...
  9. Paul Kellerman

    USN My chance under my special situation

    Dear fellows, I have a question regarding my Intel and OCS chances: I got my ASTB 64, 7, 6, 8. I was already disqualified for flying because my eyes -8 refractive and astigmatism. But the thing I'm really worrying about is my SF86. I was born and raised in Beijing, mandarin was my 1st language...
  10. FemaleNFO

    Minimum vision requirements - HELP

    Hi all, This is my first post to AW, so I apologize if this question has been previously answered. I want to become a officer in the US Navy, NFO specifically. From what I've read on here and various other platforms, in order to qualify for naval service your vision must be correctable to...
  11. Chop07

    OCS 13 Jun 2016 IWC Board

    For this board, the NRD-deadline for all programs is 6 May 2016. Hard deadline to NRC is 13 May 2016. Board convenes on 13 Jun 2016. This board will begin selections for Fiscal Year 2017. Results from the 7 Mar 2016 are as follows and were released on 21 Mar 2016. This board completed...
  12. Chop07

    GOUGE OCS Survivor's Guide (updated Jan. 2016)

    While the OCS website is an excellent source of information, read and heed what is in here. It has been written and updated by recent OCS graduates.
  13. zack13usa

    OCS Poll- March '16 IDC Board Applicants

    Hi all, Now that we're almost a week away, here's an extended version for the upcoming IDC board thread ( posted for 03/07/2016 date) Which designators are you applying for? and what is your background?
  14. BPeterson93

    Average amount of leave granted after graduation

    Is there a set amount of leave granted to OCS graduates, does it change depending on designator, or does it just change based on individuals? Wanted to try and plan for after graduation a timeline for seeing family and such.
  15. Prima TRT

    OCS/ JAG Questions

    Hi I'm Rebecca 33 year old, this is my first post. It has been my dream since I was 7 to be a commissioned officer in Navy. So far I have talked to an Army OR he states I have a very good chance of getting into OCS. I'm looking to apply AF,Navy and Army. I have BS in Business Management/...
  16. E

    Significant other nominated for leadership position, with cell phone access in first week at OCS.

    My significant other left for OCs a couple weeks ago. They texted me briefly that they was nominated for a leadership position from by her peers, and in doing so recieved her phone back. Is this common? How exactly does this happen? Will it stay like this for the whole duration of OCS? How will...
  17. I

    Does Masters matter or not?

    Is a masters in cyber security relevant to trying to commission into the navy or navy reserve? I have a bachelors in biology with a minor in computer information systems but my GPA does not stack up too well I believe, as it is low. I plan on starting this program in the summer and want to see...
  18. First Sergeant

    AOCS Book Written - The Pressure Cooker: Forging Naval Officers Through Marine Leadership

    After 4 yrs. of effort a book of Drill Instructor stories has been written and published. 540 pages of Marine Drill Instructors training future Naval Officers at Pensacola from 1947 - 1994. 240 stories in all written by the Naval Officers who endured the pressure of Marine Corps drill...
  19. MM1 SS/DV

    OCS 17 April 2016

    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Final Select letter for the April 17th OCS class. I did not see a thread already listed, so I hope this is sufficient.
  20. E

    Stupid mistake - Will it deeply affect my chance of getting into the Navy?

    Hi! I am a college student and two years ago I made the dumbest mistake I could have ever done. I got charged for petty theft. I did get a diversion and never did anything like that ever since. Now I am completing my NASIS and see that it is asking if I had ever been fired from a job before...
  21. Hammer10k

    Strategies for Stashing

    Hi all, Thanks for reading. I'm slated to start OCS on March 27 for SNA. I am also a 3L in law school with a semester remaining before graduation. After OCS's target graduation date in June, the plan is to return to Atlanta (my hometown) and stash at the NRD office while I complete my last...
  22. Knightsnation

    27 March 2016

    FINSEL letter for this class. Can't wait! Hopefully we miss most of the cold weather!
  23. C

    OCS Application Timeline

    Hi everyone, I just had a quick question as to what an average "timeline/step-by-step" would look like, from the very beginning to when you actually go to OCS. I've met with a recruiter, and they asked me basic questions about what I'd be interested in doing, and why I'm joining etc. I then...
  24. zack13usa

    OCS March '16 IDC Board

    Hi all, I'm creating this thread for those who applied or planning to apply for March 7 IDC board. I missed the previous Dec' 15 board due to missing transcript Feel free to check in here
  25. Toastrules

    Going for Information Warfare. Have an idea of how to do it, am I correct?

    Hello all! New to the forum, got my account approved and I want to start asking questions ASAP because I'm graduating in about 2 weeks. I was finally able to contact a recruiter the other week and get him to get my phone number down and send me some paperwork. I told him what my objective was...
  26. cottrouble

    OCS A whole lot of questions about OCS from a non-prior

    Quickly, here’s my background: Political science undergraduate (BS) from a well-known state school (think UCLA, Ohio State), worked my way through school, 3.1 GPA Went to work for Fortune 500 company, ranked 9th most promising co. in America by Forbes. Started as a consultant, moved up into two...
  27. Jenlm

    14 FEB 2016

    Got the official word that I'll be heading to OCS Feb 14th! Can't wait to meet any of you that are also getting this news :)
  28. BPeterson93

    Student Loans and OCS?

    I was curious to see for any of the members here who had recently graduated college and then attended OCS. How did y'all handle student loans while at OCS? Did you defer payments while not having access to computers or set up family to be able to pay out of your account? Just wanted to gauge...
  29. Hammer10k

    Law School or OCS?

    Hi all, Thanks for reading. I'm in an interesting position.. I'm currently in law school with a semester left for graduation. I'm the Student Body President. I've been offered an OCS slot for Aviation but have to leave in a month due to age limits (getting close to 27). Being a Naval...
  30. Skywalker

    OCS Weird Past

    I'm a junior in college, just entering dialogue with the local NOR about acquiring an aviation contract. However, of the litany of reasons this is my path to commissioning as opposed to NROTC or the USNA is that I fell into the totally wrong crowd towards the end of high school. But despite...
  31. zack13usa

    OCS DLPT Scores for Intel and IW

    Going through the official NavyCS website, Intel applicant language skills should be quantified by a minimum Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) score of 2/2/2 Read more at: https://www.navycs.com/officer/intelligenceofficer.html OPIs, Observations/ Questions: If DLPT scores boosts...
  32. JohnH

    OCS Personal motivation statement. Please rip apart.

    I am posting my personal Motivational Statement for my OCS packet here. I am applying to both Intel and IW. I have a few English majors shredding it for grammar. I would really appreciate help with Content. Please be ruthless but tactful. My questions are did I over emphasize my intel...
  33. C

    USN 2016 SWO OCS Selection Panels

    Does anyone know when the SWO OCS selection panels will be convening 2016?
  34. enlUSMC

    OCS OCS NEX Photo Studio: You've Been Warned

    Just a friendly head's up--OCS is expensive enough and the NEX photo studio will take you for all you're worth (my class spent about $200/person). Sometimes spending a lot of pictures is OK, however, be warned that at OCS the NEX photo studio produces a very low quality product. My DVD is...