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  1. J

    will i be medically dqed

    Hey guys. I'm a sophomore in college in the process of joining NROTC. I hope to be selected for SNA but I have a condition called Pulmonary Stenosis. It's a congenital heart defect but the doctors never found it until I was 17 and have said it is very mild. Do y'all think I will be medically...
  2. U

    USMC ECP Aviation

    Hello all, I’m currently a Sgt (about to pick up SSgt) applying for ECP on the board in June. I’ve taken and passed the ASTB and am in the process of getting NAMI approval, nothing crazy yet. I was wondering if anyone had any insight on the USMC ECP SNA contract. I understand you have to sign a...
  3. K

    05MAY2025 SNA/SNFO Board

    Figured Id go ahead and start this since its what most of us are waiting on anyways.
  4. A

    What are my odds of getting an SNA slot and what is selection like (OCS)?

    Hello All I've got some questions about the pilot selection board. I'm a 2nd-year student (junior by credits) at Embry-Riddle, majoring in Aerospace Engineering with a GPA of 3.8. I've never taken the real ASTB but I've taken a few practice tests. I'm generally pretty good at tests (I got 1530...
  5. J

    NROTC Application Confusion

    Hello All, Currently a junior in a 5 year mechanical engineering degree, 70 credits completed thus far. The requirements to join for the college program at my schools unit were that you had to have 30-60 college credits to enroll. I am obviously over that limit. I go to check out BDCP with OCS...
  6. I

    OCS SNA I-SEL chances (but I'm a dual-citizen)

    Howdy all! First of all I'll start off by saying that I have been lurking on this website for a while and have learned so much from all of the various postings here, it really is an honor to be able to engage in a place with such deep-rooted experience and knowledge. And being able to read...
  7. K

    Alright. . . I'll bite: Pilots of Asian Descent? How prevalent are they? (in VFA esp.)

    Greetings, civ here and like most civs, I'm putting the cart before the horse in asking this. . . .but it is something to consider as I pursue. Mainly since a large part of my reasons to join is that I am under the belief that USN/US MIL are some of the last meritocratic places around. I'm...
  8. M


    Hello, I am an upcoming 1/C with service selection happening in September. I have taken my ASTB 2 times and took about 8 months from try 1 to try 2 to study. I did all the forums, the apps I could find, even bought a stick and throttle. My scores are 4/5/5 and I was shocked considering I felt...
  9. umijs

    OCS Reapplying as a DOR

    A while ago I attended OCS with a pilot slot but due to some very unfortunate news back home, I ended up DOR'ing. While at OCS, I brought the issue to the attention of my class officers and I ended up talking to nearly every single person in my chain of command and received advice from all of...
  10. B

    OCS 11AUG24

    Hope I'm posting this right, I'm a SNA with a Aug 11th class date. Anyone else on here going to that class? Trying to get the ball rolling on potential room mates in Pensacola and meet some of my classmates.
  11. J

    1 Room for rent to share with SNA/SNFOs- 900/month +shared utilities available 1JUN

    Hi All, Currently have a home being shared by 2 other students. I have one of the secondary bedrooms available for rent1JUN Walking distance to Rocky's Bar and Brothers BBQ. Also less than 10min drive to back gate @ NAS Pensacola. 15min drive to Johnson Beach...
  12. B

    The Gouge App for NIFE

    Just wanted to share a new app for NIFE. It was built to hopefully bring together all the gouge thats out there in one place in a digestible format for students. It has flashcards, quizzes, tests, and even audio. Chat GPT integration, a wiz wheel problem generator, and a TOLD card calculator...
  13. Average Monke

    OCS 03Nov2023 SNA/SNFO Board

  14. Average Monke

    31July2023 SNA/SNFO Board

  15. F

    Failed DP at MEPs. Options to retake, or do I switch paths?

    I went through MEPS today. Everything else besides my DP was stellar. I've been dreaming of flying for the Marine Corps for a while (two marine aviators in my family), but after my failed DP, I'm at a crossroads. I've seen a bunch of information on here about how getting a civilian waiver is no...
  16. E

    Any advice for a late bloomer?

    I am 28 years old. Got my life together a little late. Worked in the construction field for about 10 years out of high school. Recently went back to community college and got my AA. Just finished my BA in History with a 3.74. Accepted a funded position at the same school for a MA in History...
  17. W

    OCS How much do foreign contacts effect chances of becoming a student naval aviator?

    This is my first time posting here so forgive me if this isn't the right place to ask. My best friend and roommate is from Nigeria, my parents grew up in Afghanistan, I still have family there like uncles and my grandma that I am still occasionally in contact with. My grandpa was a jet pilot in...
  18. O

    Can you switch SWO to SNA?

    Can you redesignate from SWO to SNA at navy OCS? Additionally, If I am already selected for SWO OCS June 2023, can I switch to SNA or reapply without giving up my class spot? Thanks all info is helpful.
  19. WannaFlyHigh

    16 October 2022 OCS Class (05-23)

    Didn’t see a thread for this class so made one.
  20. _mDon08


    Hi guys, Took my second ASTB attempt and received a 45 5/5/5. College GPA 3.0 I admit, I am a horrible test taker and would rather leave my ASTB at that score for it was better than my first attempt. I’ve spoken to two recruiters, one mentioning SWO which I‘ve already decided is not the MOS...
  21. cgross220

    Aced the ASTB, what next?

    Hey everyone, First off I wanted to say thanks to everyone who's posted and commented on here. As someone that's wanted to become a fighter pilot all my life, I've looked over this site for years and taken in invaluable information that has undoubtedly aided in my process this far and I'm sure...
  22. Mouselovr

    Reapplication process

    Hi! I'm currently applying SNA for the January boards. ASTB 6/7/7 GPA 3.76 My recruiter is pushing me hard to apply for NFO as she's been told they've essentially filled their pilot quota for the year due to COVID issues. I'm only interested in SNA, and I'm more than happy to wait to attend OCS...
  23. H

    USN SNFO/SNA re-des pre-commissioning

    NROTC MIDN just got a SNFO slot. Put NFO second to SNA. Obviously very happy to not be a SWO but I had my heart set on pilot so there's definitely some disappointment. Wondering if anyone has experience or knows the chances on redesignating before commissioning. I figure there may be some way to...
  24. F

    ocs sna gpa concern

    So I’ll be graduating in May of 2021, interested in going sna. I haven’t taken the astb yet, but I’ve been studying for it like crazy. My concern is my gpa, I’ve switch majors 3 times and I’m currently a psych major, probably will be graduating with a high 2.9. Should I even try to bump this up...
  25. KFC

    25May20 SNA/SNFO (Pilot/NFO) Board

    For anyone applying to the 25 May 2020 Pilot/NFO board, we will be using the Pilot/NFO 4MAY20 thread until further information is posted to confirm the date of the upcoming board. Upon joining, please add your information to our collective Google sheet, and welcome to the group!
  26. R

    ASTB-E Scores SNA

    Just retook the ASTB-E and here are the results: Officer Aptitude Rating (OAR): 52 Academic Qualification Rating (AQR): 7 Pilot Flight Officer Rating (PFAR): 8 Naval Flight Officer Flight Aptitude Rating (FOFAR): 7 Are these scores competitive for SNA? I'm looking at applying for the first...
  27. D

    26Jun20 SNA/NFO Board

    I have been searching, and it looks like there's not one yet for the board in June, which I will be on. Looking forward to discussing our worries and anxiety :)). Good luck, all!
  28. S

    FY20 Oct. 28, 2019 SNA/NFO Board

    Hey folks, FY20 dates just were released within the past few days so I figured it made sense to make a thread and spreadsheet for this board. Drop your information in the thread and I'll get it added to the spreadsheet. Good luck! Fly Navy! Board Date: 20191028 Package Due Date: 20190927...
  29. Aceleo

    NASA Engineer vs Navy Pilot

    I was selected for SNA and I am slated to go to OCS on August 18th. I haven't taken the oath yet and I haven't received my final select letter. However, after I submitted my Navy application, I also interviewed with NASA for an engineering position(just in case I didn't get the SNA slot)...
  30. Aceleo

    Navy Pilots max age limit increased to 32?

    My recruiter just called me yesterday telling me that the max age limit for Navy pilots got increased from 26 to 32. I was on the verge of getting too old to apply as a pilot but this comes as good news for me. I have been scouring the internet to find an official statement on this but couldn't...
  31. Saucebaus

    USN Flight School DQ Options?

    If someone were to get DQ'd from the SNA pipeline (post OCS) due to anthro measurements or something like that what are your reclassification options? I've heard that if you're an OCS guy that you just get sent home, but this sounds ridiculous to me especially for someone who has already...
  32. P

    Impacting my future chance?

    I recently applied for SWO and SNA. I was picked up for SNA, but not SWO. While I understand this selection is an incredible opportunity, I have to consider all of the options. I applied to grad school and was recently accepted into my dream Masters program. I am wondering if it would harm my...
  33. Aceleo

    USN Age problem with flight school

    Hi all, Due to some issues with depth perception and getting a LASIK afterward (6-month wait), my application for SNA was delayed about 2 years. But now I am almost ready. Soon I will be submitting my OCS packet for April 2nd board. I am only applying for SNA(Pilot). My scores are 55/7/7/6...
  34. B

    OCS Shipping on April 14th to Navy OCS (SNA)

    Hey everyone, I couldn't find anyone with a similar date time. Just seeing if there is anyone else headed to OCS at the same time. I'm going in for SNA. Looking forward to meeting all of you.
  35. socalsomeday

    05FEB19 SNA Board

    Hello all! I am starting a thread for all who are applying to the 05FEB19 SNA board because I did not find one already made. Please be sure to add yourself to the googledoc below so we can track who is selected. Good luck everyone...
  36. R

    2018 ASTB Study Guide Help

    Hi all, I was directed to this site by someone now in Navy flight school. He said he was able to use resources from Air Warriors to help study for the ASTB. I am now in the process of studying for the ASTB and would appreciate any help via study guides and the like. If you know of any existing...
  37. socalsomeday

    Path to becoming a pilot

    This is my first post here so please bare with me. I am aiming to commission through OCS as a pilot. I took the ASTB yesterday (59 6/5/7). My recruiter said that, unfortunately, the mimimums for SNA were recently upped and I am one point short (6/6/X). Since this was my second ASTB, he...
  38. Aceleo

    Got denied for Depth Perception

    I applied for a Pilot slot for the Air Force but I did not get one. Instead, I was offered a CSO/Navigator(NFO) slot for the Air Force. I was really happy to get that however deep inside I really wanted to be a Pilot. So I started my Navy SNA application process. During the process, I found out...
  39. C

    At OCS, got NPQ'd

    Hello all, I was part of class 10-18, (Feb 4, 2018) and went through a few days before I had a meeting with the flight surgeon. Pretty much I was NPQ'd for having 1.75 astigmatism, when 1.00 was the max standard. I remember I asked the eye doc at MEPS if my astigastigm was within standards and...
  40. dave02392

    The "all around" candidate

    Been seeing a lot of responses on both sides of the argument that the " all around" person and how that helps in pilot selection. Age: 25 Education: Currently 2nd semester of junior year. Economics major, Business minor. GPA: 2.7 Marine Corps prior enlisted 6153 CH-53E airframes (AM Navy rate)...
  41. E

    Color Vision/MEPS Issue

    Air Warriors, I have been reading this forum for the past two or so years for information along my journey to pursue a commission and flight contract. Today I ran into what could be a show stopper and am looking for answers/advice (apologies for the novel of a description, trying to be thorough...
  42. Yram Y.

    OCS I'm Worried that SNA/pilot is overmanned?

    I'll try to keep it short: I'm a college Junior; Chemistry major, Mathematics minor. I want to go to OCS after I graduate and become a Naval Aviator. I have not spoken to a recruiter, yet. My granddad was a Naval fighter pilot. I'm a NCAA D-2 athlete, athletic awards, scholar awards, >100...
  43. C

    Eyesight Change

    Okay...I was Pro Rec Y for SNA back in April. I went to MEPS in February and passed the eye exam, but just barely. I had 20/40 uncorrected (Correctable to 20/20), which is the maximum limit. I am graduating college this December, so my planned ship out date is either January or February. What...
  44. K

    Withdrew OCS nomination

    Last year I was accepted to OCS as a SNA and given a start date. This came after lengthy waiver processes for my eyes and depth perception (after failing at MEPS). Flying was my dream, so I went to a handful of doctors to get their opinions on my eyes and almost all of them said I wouldn't have...
  45. J

    SNA Vision Requirements

    So I've recently been accepted to OCS under the designation of SNA, and I just wanted to clear something up real quick. I'm aware that for applicants you need 20/40 uncorrected and correctable to 20/20. However my vision is 20/100 uncorrected, and 20/20 corrected. (All numbers based off page 4...
  46. M

    Primary Flight Question?

    Good evening all, I was wondering if anyone knows the policy for pinks sheets before PRB/Drop, specifically for marines at NAS Whiting Field (Primary Flight)? I know in API it is two and out (no exceptions), curious if the policy stands though the rest of your training or just in API. Any word...
  47. F

    Waiver for Mild Pulmonary Stenosis

    Hi there, I'm new to this board and am currently in the process of applying to OCS (SNA or SNFO). I have been told I have competitive stats for the flight program. I'm expecting to graduate from a top 5 US University next year with a 3.7 GPA and degrees in mathematics (special honors) and...
  48. Dangle

    Question regarding contact lens and waivers

    I am sorry if there was a previous thread on this topic, I tried to search but was not quite satisfied with what I had read and I am in a bit of a panic mode. I will be getting LASIK this weekend, and I have been working with my recruiter on making sure I cover all my bases before having the...
  49. Future Pilot619

    Interested in Navy OCS

    Hello everyone! I hope your day is going well! I am currently in High school(my Junior year just ended today!) and I am highly interested in becoming an officer in the Navy. A little bit of background about myself: I am a Navy brat, my mother served in the Navy as a Hospital Corpsman for 24...
  50. Hammer10k

    Strategies for Stashing

    Hi all, Thanks for reading. I'm slated to start OCS on March 27 for SNA. I am also a 3L in law school with a semester remaining before graduation. After OCS's target graduation date in June, the plan is to return to Atlanta (my hometown) and stash at the NRD office while I complete my last...