Just found out about this site recently.....wish i had found it before but i'm set for the 01feb OCS date..........Matt...23...Non-Prior....SNA
Matt, welcome aboard, we're glad to have you. I've been hearing that us aviation guys will go straight to Pcola following graduation... I was originally told we'd be heading home afterwards, but my OR said today, "no, after graduation you'll check in at Pensacola for leadership [and IFS if applicable for you guys] then you can request to go home before API starts." Have you heard anything like that? What the hell does "leadership" mean? (and no don't give me an obvious, smart ass answer haha)
With a bit of an update, here's what the class looks like, from the perspective:
Mark 23M SNA Non-prior
sonicboom 22M SNA Non-prior
Sherv 26F Supply Non-prior
Kevin (McBuff) 25M Non-prior SNA
(possibly) Blake (bizlake). 23M SNFO Non-prior
Matt 23M SNA Non-prior