I'm awaiting orders too, was told today it will be one of the January classes but should be this week or next to get them.
As far as breaking your lease, don't act too soon...in my case, I was originally scheduled for 17 July and then bumped up to 26 June, so we cancelled our lease on June 1 and my wife and baby were moving in with family while I was going to be in Newport. Well, six months later we're still here with family; we aren't paying rent but also don't want to overstay our welcome either. My $.02, as soon as you have orders in hand let your apartment office know that you want to move out the week before, and remind them that you gave them as much notice as possible (some threaten fines more than others, ours let us go in two weeks no problem or questions asked). I had orders for both classes, but they were changed or withdrawn within a month of the class so don't totally count on orders as being set in stone as the military can and will change them without much notice.
Hopefully I'll see you all in four weeks! Last month of training, so gotta make it count...