I respectfully disagree. I'm concurrently going through the process for Army Aviation, FBI Special Agent and Secret Service Special Agent. For most of them, I'm nearing the end phase and close to an offer. Naval Aviation is my absolute top choice, however, if one of these other organizations offers me a job first, it would be a very difficult decision. A one in the hand, two in the bush, type of decision.
On top of this, I do not like having to string four respectable and perpetually busy organizations along with my applications, if I end up having to turn them down in the end. I know how much time and resources hiring and selections consume, and it is not optimal for the taxpayer or the organizations for me to be clogging up the pipeline for a long period of time. However, my current situation (which was supposed to have been resolved prior to graduation but COVID and prior misdiagnoses slowed my application down by over a year) necessitates that I apply to all organizations simultaneously.
My future regarding whether or not I will be a Naval Aviator may not come down to whether or not I was selected, but even if I was selected, who offered me the job first?