New Member
I submitted for ISPP. Everything is pretty much the same; the major differences are that you need an endorsement from the first Flag Officer in your chain of command, have to be active duty and need an excellent on the most recent PRT but it can be mocked. Submit to Paul Celestin from N3 (NRC) as normal. Then it's just a waiting game like everyone else. From what I've been told by everyone, including my own Skipper, it is a HUGE leg up compared to everyone else applying. If you are active, definitely go for it. If, for some reason, your Flag Officer doesn't endorse you, you can still continue to apply normally. Contacting Paul directly, I knew the same day that my package was good and off to the next board.Was submitting for ISPP any different from a normal package? I’ve got my normal one in right now but wanna make sure I make at least a board somewhere along the line
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