No one is saying the other sections don't matter, but the ASTB is the most heavily weighted part (especially for sna/snfo.) The Navy has conducted research among her better officers/pilots to see what they had in common in order to phase out the "not-as-competitive" applicants. They found a tight correlelation among them with high ASTB scores. I take it from all of your complaining that you didn't do so hot on your ASTB. There are several others on this forum who scored "average" at best on their test. However, instead of crying "Waaahhh, it's not fair" they are buckling down and studying harder to meet the competition. I respectfully suggest that you do the same.
I take it that you are a dirt bag and you can't read simple English. I never said the test was not important. But your idea that is the sole or even most weigted factor is wrong. I never questioned fairness either. Oh and I never took the test. I did refute the crap you put up. And clearly you must have gotten on your knees to get any high score from the way you sound.