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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


Skip questions you don't know and go back to them. If you're running out of time (the time limits are actually pretty tight), guess. There is no penalty for wrong answers.


New Member
Thanks to everyone on this site who posted gouge and tips. I just wanted to give back a little.

I took it today for the second time. The computer crashed twice during the test, which was kind of scary the first time it happened, but then I just got used to it. I'm a prior corpsman going through sta21, and I'm applying for NFO.

I went from a 5/5/5 53 to a 7/7/7 59. My GPA is 3.15 and I'm a double major in history/philosophy. Atrickpay's gouge, the "dear OSO" thing, and the Arco book were helpful. So were some of these links and pdfs:

http://www.technologystudent.com/gears1/geardex1.htm - man those pulleys still kick my butt
http://www.carolinamarineofficer.com/files/ASTB_Study_Guide.htm - lots of good stuff
http://www.linnbenton.edu/auto/day/mike/read.html - micrometer practice
http://www.nelnetsolutions.com/dod/Default.aspx?sponsor=12894 - Petersons Study books for free if you're DoD
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Cq7hf4ylvY&feature=related - motivation for cram breaks

There are so many other sites I used to study, but I didn't post them all. One insight that I can give you (I'm not a math guy - hence my majors) is to develop (and memorize) a standard procedure for every kind of problem they throw at you in the study books. For instance, if it's a vat draining problem, I know that I need the rate in and the rate out to get the total rate of flow. The gallons divided by the flow gives me the time remaining.

Also, just doing basic SAT math was pretty helpful, because us older guys tend to forget basic stuff like adding fractions.

For the aviation section - wow there was a lot of detailed questions that I could only guess on and weren't in my study materials. That's why people recommended starting to study a long time in advance. If I could go back, I would have bought the FAA handbook and read it before bed every night.

I think the best way to do it is to take it twice. Write down all the questions you can remember, continue studying, and take it again with your reinforced knowledge. A lot of it was the same, even though they were different tests.

Good luck,


  • astb_study_sup.pdf
    1.9 MB · Views: 130


Sep-11 SNA Pro Rec
The FAA Handbook was key. I made 9/9/9 and had only 11 flight hours prior to the test. Study it like it is a textbook in a 400 level college course and you need to make an A on the final to pass the course. I went so in depth that many of the questions on the test were unbelievably elementary. But if you don't go as in depth as I did, there will be several questions you probably will not be able to answer. Obviously you have to be smart to make 9s, 8s, or even 7s on the ASTB, but it is my belief that if you put the necessary time into studying, you'll do well.

Do what you have to do to find the time to study. I only had three weeks and I work full time too. So I spent 3 or 4 hours every night and at least 8 on Sat and Sun studying for the test for three full weeks. Didn't watch TV, didn't go out with my friends, didn't do anything but work, eat, drink, and study for 3 weeks. It sucked, but if I'm selected, it was an unbelievably small price to pay. You can make it happen if you want it badly enough. Good luck to everyone out there.


Pro rec'd SNA/SNFO
Ah, this is my first post! I've been on this forum for a few months however, attempting to seek information and gouge on the ASTB. I think I am most likely going for the October boards, and SNA being my only designator since my recruiter informed me that SNA is one of the only positions available at this point

I took the ASTB today, form 5:

57 6/7/6
3.492 GPR in political science from Texas A&M University
good LOR's

I used Barron's, both ARCOs, Atrickpay's guide, the Marine Gouge, and the FAA handbook. Eager for the boards; thanks for all the gouge!


New Member
Does anyone know if the spatial apperception section is still similar to the Barron's book (i.e. an F-18 with a little ship and coastline)?


API Warrior
Does anyone know if the spatial apperception section is still similar to the Barron's book (i.e. an F-18 with a little ship and coastline)?

The Barron's book will get you pointed in the right direction, but isn't the best resource. Many of the SA questions found in the Barron's book are incorrect/misprints and will only cause confusion. The Arco book is more helpful for this section, but I found the actual test SA questions to be much more challenging than any book I used.

In short, use the Arco book, and find other practice problems online to aid you.


I'm Pilot.
Hey guys, took the ASTB awhile back but forgot to post my scores as I know they are appreciated for you statisticians !

6/7/7 OAR 51 (Form 4)

Now for the info and questions. I am a NROTC Scholarship midshipman (systems engineering) 3.37 GPA in my fall semester of my junior year. This means my package should be put in at the end of the spring semester. I am highly debating taking the test again, because I rarely used any of the break time and also heard that (Form 4) has been noted as a little more difficult (unforgiving with others scores) than the other two forms.

Anyone have any light to shed on which forms they feel are more difficult? Looks like (form 3) is producing the highest results.

***Just friendly conversation!!!*** I am not asking asking for a lecture on how all tests are equal and one needs to just study harder.

Thanks all!


New Member
I just took the ASTB last week for the first time. I scored a 5-5-6 50 on form 3. Even with a 4.0 GPA I don't think I made the cut, huh? I guess I'll be doing it again in about a month. From what I have gathered, the second and third times are the charm though, right? Haha!


New Member
Just took the ASTB today (Form 5). Scored a 8/8/8 61. To be honest, I was crushed but my OR and processor thought I was nuts to be disappointed, so I guess I won't retake.

I'm applying for the next available SNA board (Feb '12?) and I have a BS in neurobiology from an Ivy League school with a 3.0-ish GPA.


Well-Known Member
Just took the ASTB today (Form 5). Scored a 8/8/8 61. To be honest, I was crushed but my OR and processor thought I was nuts to be disappointed, so I guess I won't retake.

I'm applying for the next available SNA board (Feb '12?) and I have a BS in neurobiology from an Ivy League school with a 3.0-ish GPA.

WTF man don't retake it. Those are some bombass scores, great job! Best of luck.


Just took the ASTB today (Form 5). Scored a 8/8/8 61. To be honest, I was crushed but my OR and processor thought I was nuts to be disappointed, so I guess I won't retake.

I'm applying for the next available SNA board (Feb '12?) and I have a BS in neurobiology from an Ivy League school with a 3.0-ish GPA.

I just got picked up for SNA in the August boards with slightly lower scores (7/7/7 59) and a BS from an Ivy as well (though very different major). Statistically I think your scores are roughly 95th percentile (at least the subscores), so retaking it would be completely pointless and extremely risky (anything could happen..for me I literally could not sleep the night before and could barely think by the time I finished but I had no reason for a retake).

Also, for curiosity's sake, which school did you go to? You should be able to figure mine out by my avatar.


New Member
WTF man don't retake it. Those are some bombass scores, great job! Best of luck.
Thanks man.
I just got picked up for SNA in the August boards with slightly lower scores (7/7/7 59) and a BS from an Ivy as well (though very different major).
If I remember correctly, you had a nasty GPA though. A 3.7+ from Cornell is money; it'll open up pretty much any door in life. I'm relying more on my ASTB to compensate for my weak GPA.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man.

If I remember correctly, you had a nasty GPA though. A 3.7+ from Cornell is money; it'll open up pretty much any door in life. I'm relying more on my ASTB to compensate for my weak GPA.

I'll just echo what Deere and egd said: You would be INSANE to retake. Those ASTB scores with a "3.0"ish GPA should be golden. 3.0 GPA is considered competitive and those ASTB scores are great. Just look at the selections from the last board and you'll see that you would have been very competitive with what you have already.

This is akin to a high school junior scoring a 32 on the ACT and being disappointed because he thinks only a 36 is good enough.

I was surprised and ecstatic when I got an 8/8/9 61.


New Member
I've been keeping up pretty regularly with these thread for quite some time now and still cant find what Im looking for. Im getting ready to take my second attempt at the ASTB coming up in about a week and could use some good gouge or advice if anyone has any. I have both the Arco books, the barons book, Apatricks study guide and about every other website that was suggested out there. Im really struggling with the spatial apperception section on the test. When I go over those sections in the study books they seem pretty simple. But what I remember from my first attempt (5/5/5 49 test 4) was that they threw in a bunch of confusing angles and pitches on most of the questions. Does anyone have any good tips on how to better prepare for this section? Websites? Or just general help for my up coming attempt would be great!