Good job on the straight 9s. Now go into your MOI's office and tell you want to be a Marine.
It's either Intel or Information Warfare... Just checked the designators list, and no cryptology.
I would apply, and if you aren't pro-rec'ed, take the test again.
A 50 is pretty good, I guess, but I'm sure you can do better. And from what I hear, Intel is very competitive, so you may need to re-take the ASTB. Is the rest of your package strong? -Regardless, I would still send in the packet; just curious if you are competitive otherwise. If you are weak on mechanical or math, there is a free Arco OC book online that has excellent mechanical practice Qs (and good math):
There is also a free version of Arco's Military Flight Aptitude Tests book online. Google it and it should be on the 2nd page of the search.
If I were you I would finish my packet while studying for the ASTB (in case) and PTing. Good luck man.
Sounds like you are doing good training, but don't kill yourself; 8+ miles a day is crazy, unless your knees and shins can take that physically. I would scale back the miles and take more days off to recover (do some 400m sprints instead type of thing). I'm by no means qualified to tell you how to work out, and please understand that, my only point is don't hurt yourself.I appreciate the websites and info you've given. Im wanting to be a CTI, or linguist, or whatever the official term is. The recruiter Ive been working with calls it Cryptology, but I think Information Warfare is the right term. Im currently running 4 miles and walking 4-6 miles a day.
I appreciate the websites and info you've given. Im wanting to be a CTI, or linguist, or whatever the official term is. The recruiter Ive been working with calls it Cryptology, but I think Information Warfare is the right term. Im currently running 4 miles and walking 4-6 miles a day.
Off to get $#^% canned!!!![]()
I just finished retaking the ASTB after getting a 5,6,5 53 in June and knowing I could do better... I got an 8,8,8 59!!!! I just wanted to thank all of you guys for answering all my stupid questions(and continuing to in the future) and hopefully I'll get picked up in October!! The information and specific breakdowns of the individual forms on here over the years are priceless. I'd add my own, but if you use the search you're going to find everything I could possibly contribute anyway:icon_tong
Except for I swear some of the answers in both the Barron's and ARCO book are incorrect:icon_rage I want to hunt down some of the writers...
Off to get $#^% canned!!!![]()
So, bottom line is that Studying DOES work??? Congrats!
Hey everyone,
I'm new to the forum, and just went to my OCS office to have an interview with the captain. Im interested in the Marine Corps Aviation Program, and realize I need to take/pass the ASTB to get into this program. I've been searching the forum and have seen the gouges but there are a few concepts Im unclear on.
1. I know the scores are out of 9/9/9 80. What exactly do these reflect and what is the second score (OAR?)?
2. I've seen advice to order a few books in order to prepare, but for the life of me I cant find any of them. If anyone can provide the titles because they are all listed as acronyms on the forums or links to where I can get them that would be great.
Hey everyone,
I'm new to the forum, and just went to my OCS office to have an interview with the captain. Im interested in the Marine Corps Aviation Program, and realize I need to take/pass the ASTB to get into this program. I've been searching the forum and have seen the gouges but there are a few concepts Im unclear on.
1. I know the scores are out of 9/9/9 80. What exactly do these reflect and what is the second score (OAR?)?
2. I've seen advice to order a few books in order to prepare, but for the life of me I cant find any of them. If anyone can provide the titles because they are all listed as acronyms on the forums or links to where I can get them that would be great.