Giving my OAR score!
I got a 53. Not bad, but I definitely want to retake. I stupidly and stubbornly choked on the math section and thus didn't finish like 1/3 of it

Difficulty level? To me, a lot easier than a lot of the gouge.
MATH I thought would be complex with tons of word problems and trick questions (because two of the study sources I had were chock full of trick question word problems). What I got was 1 or 2 line basic math questions that were mostly algebra and geometry. So I decided a good use of my time would to be anxiously look for the trick and wonder why I hadn't had to use a cos formula yet
MECHANICAL was also easier than the gouge in that I only saw 1-2 electronic questions if that...I think if you go in knowing simple machines and the basic ratio formulas for mechanical advantage, you'll do great. I would recommend looking over basic physics concepts like Velocity = I x R, maybe car engine design just in case, and some chemistry knowledge like what liquids and gases do under pressure/temperature/whatever conditions.
READING I can't really comment on. Be prepared to read hefty paragraphs. I didn't look at the gouge for that.
TO STUDY I used most/all of the resources available on the amazing Air Warriors including the Arco and atrick's study guide. I used a recent edition of Barron's and Peterson's from the library.
I went off the grid and used Khan Academy's Algebra, Geometry and Physics videos just because it was more fun than the study guides. I also found "Quick and Dirty Tips to Math" to be helpful for any math rules you need to drill into your head. Here are links:
THANK YOU Air Warriors for all your great gouge and answers to newbie questions! You're a huge resource