Hi Everybody, my name is Feng and I just took OAR this morning and got 63, I can only speak for OAR section of the test.
A little background of me, I have a Electrical Engineer major at UCLA and I work in Biomed field for the past 4 years. My GPA is about 3.35(not sure how exactly the GPA calculation do as I spend 2 years in UCLA with 3.1 GPA and 3 years in community college with 3.5 GPA) I am working on LOR with my former employer, colleague and Navy enlisted personnel E5.
Regards the test, I have been study on an off for two month with emphasize on last three weeks prior to the test period. The study material from this forum is extremely helpful, include study guide from previous testers, Peterson"s Master in Flight aptitude, Arco"s military flight aptitude, Barron"s study guide, ASTB gauge, nelnetsolutions website. My understanding for the study guide from previous tester is sufficient to get people started, and all the military study guide can be used as problems practice sections. To better understand the variety of the concept, I recommend people to go to nelnetsolutions websites to take the practice test, not only for the ASTB section but also for asvab and AFOQT practice test. Also, google ASTB flash card will help study as well even thought there are some mistakes on some of the problems. I also bought the study guide from amazon by Accepted Inc, and my comment for that is this book has some clear mistakes but in general it can be used for problem practicing. Finally I will recommend people to go back review the college algebra(integrated algebra) as well as college physics(conceptual, non calculus involved). I personally read all chapters in the Math books as well as most chapters in the physics books except relativity and light.
As most people are already aware, the new ASTB is adaptive on Math and English Sections. No definite number problems for math and I think there is an finite problems for English and Mechanical Section of the test since I got advanced before time is up if I remember correctly.
The math sections are harder than the study guides, my part includes probability(not just single selection from drawing but include problems with the concept of selections with replacement and without replacement, also the application use of binomial probability principle N!/(N-r)!), complex log and exponential questions which are exactly the same question Notorious Nate has, perfect numbers, problems such as given a polynomial equation indicate it results an even integer and ask whether another factor form of equations are even or odd, complex word problems include multiple steps calculations(usually one of two steps more calculation required than the study guide problem and it's phrase are confusing), trigonometry problems such as giving a radius that embrace a hexagon and ask for the hexagon area. I did over 20 questions and believe close to 25 question using the whole 40 min of time.
The English section is definitely college level reading. I did this section relatively poorly as I got several easy questions after I got the previous question wrong. It's military, history, science, politics involved mostly and I believe there are about 20 questions total as somehow I managed to finished before the clock(I constantly look at the timer). I am a non native speaker but I think I have decent reading and comprehension skills. For this section I can only recommend to study the SAT and GRE if you really want to be good at it.
Mechanical section is relatively easy, but it does includes some intermediate problems such as string attached to pulley, elastic energy for the string, gas pressures and thermal conductivity, angular velocity and angular momentum, as well as some fundamental concepts for electricity, projectile motion, leverage, mechanical advantage, and fluid dynamics on my test. It is definitely less than 30 questions total as I finished before the time is up. This part I study the most and I would recommend to study the physics book thoroughly as the study guide mostly just reveals the results without telling the physics concept behind it.
With my feedback above I do have some questions regards my application and the process, hope the experts here can help me out

. Greatly appreciate your time and effort.
I am looking to apply intel/IW/IP. As the recruiter told me that since my parents doesn't have citizenship certification the chance for a Chinese to get into Intel/IW/Ip is really slim as they will do extensive background check on me and surrounding individuals(I do have clean background). I am wondering is this true and what are the chance for me to advance to intelligence field? Or the SWO - IW path is more suitable for me even though the updates info for SWO FY14 is full?
I have read from Navy OCS section of the forum that it requires a Motivational statement but I did not see such requirement on the checklist. Is the motivational statement only for people are going from enlisted or it applies to regular civilian applicants as well?
My recruiter has told me that the board information for officer is constantly changing, I am not so clear where to find the exact board information for different field such as intelligence/general officer/supply/SWO. I would like to put down my priority of choices according to the board date, has anyone has such information handy?
Again thanks so much for the help from this forum and hopeful I contribute my understanding and experiences for the upcoming candidate.