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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


Active Member
Hello everyone first off I just want to say I am real appreciative of all this great information on this website you've given me better information then all three of the books I've bought. I am set to take the ASTB-E here shortly and I am struggling with the UAV questions. I just can't come up with a system to be able to identify the correct lot on the questions where the lots are off axis. I have found the flash cards on this website that show the questions and I have found some information on here about strategy on these questions. But I still haven't nailed down a fast system to get the correct lot. I am thinking (hoping) that this is just one of those things where I am just missing the obvious. But if someone could help me I would appreciate it greatly.

Thanks JM

Check these 2 files out, it was posted a while back but I can't remember where. I didn't get it until someone posted the reasoning. I added the answers to the 2nd file so you can test yourself.


  • Parking Lot Targeting_Reasoning.pdf
    84.9 KB · Views: 137
  • Parking Lot Targeting with answers.pdf
    226.8 KB · Views: 94


New Member
So when I was going through them I would go:
Left... Far... And then select the top left.

Right... Close... And the select the the bottom right one.

And yes I was saying it out loud cause the guy I was testing with was only taking the OAR so he was gone by then.

And by god you should have seen me when I was doing the tracking with the joystick. I was going bananas
I would get up between each round and roll my shoulders out and pep talk myself. Seriously gotta be on point during this section.

This has to be a dumb question but I don't understand what dictates whether it is far or close got the left right. I wish I would have taken it during the pre UAV testing I was much better at the spatial apperception haha.


New Member
Thank you much I will work on this method and try to make myself more efficient. Hopefully here shortly I will be able to report back with high scores.


New Member
Hey guys, I'm going to be taking the OAR here in a month and I've been studying the mathematical and mechanical sections rigorously for the past couple months. However, I haven't done any studying over the reading section because I have never found any study material. Wondering if you guys had and material or tips on how you prepared for the reading section.

Also, I will be applying for SWO. I graduated college this past spring with a 2.9/4/0 and am worried this might hold me back from getting into OCS. Thoughts?? Much appreciated!!


I am taking the ASTB this week. I want to do only the OAR portion first and take the rest of the portion for aviation (ANIT and NATFI) within the next week. I read SECNAVINST 1532.1 and from my understanding I thought that I could do this as long as I meet the 90 day requirement. I asked my recruiter and this is what he told me "We offer the full test to a potential applicant. If you want to take the aviation portion along with the OAR, you can do it when u test on Friday. There is no; take one part and come back and take another part. It's given as an option if a retest is needed.".

I am a little confused. Can anyone clarify if I can take the OAR portion and take the rest of the aviation portion later? Or am I misunderstanding it?
I am referncing page 4 under Table 1 :http://doni.daps.dla.mil/Directives/01000 Military Personnel Support/01-500 Military Training and Education Services/1532.1.pdf

Thanks for your help


Nearing the end of Primary
@monom - It's one test, if you take the entire ASTB (not just the OAR), you take it in one sitting. The aviation section also consists of the Performance Based Measures (PBM) and Biographical Inventory with Response Validation (BI-RV), not just the ANIT and NATFI. The only thing that can be done separately is the BI-RV section, and that's only because it can be completed on any computer (with the appropriate sign-in information).
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Well-Known Member
@monom - It's one test, if you take the entire ASTB (not just the OAR), you take it in one sitting. The aviation section also consists of the Performance Based Measures (PBM) and Biographical Inventory with Response Validation (BI-RV), not just the ANIT and NATFI. The only thing that can be done separately is the BI-RV section, and that's only because it can be completed on any computer (with the appropriate sign-in information).

I am taking the ASTB this week. I want to do only the OAR portion first and take the rest of the portion for aviation (ANIT and NATFI) within the next week. I read SECNAVINST 1532.1 and from my understanding I thought that I could do this as long as I meet the 90 day requirement. I asked my recruiter and this is what he told me "We offer the full test to a potential applicant. If you want to take the aviation portion along with the OAR, you can do it when u test on Friday. There is no; take one part and come back and take another part. It's given as an option if a retest is needed.".

I am a little confused. Can anyone clarify if I can take the OAR portion and take the rest of the aviation portion later? Or am I misunderstanding it?
I am referncing page 4 under Table 1 :http://doni.daps.dla.mil/Directives/01000 Military Personnel Support/01-500 Military Training and Education Services/1532.1.pdf

Thanks for your help

It is called a test merge and it is quite easy, generally people do the test in 2 sittings if they are not sure they want to apply for aviation then decide to, if you are not sure if you want to go aviation then take the OAR and worry about the rest later.

If a person needs to retest they can't just take the part they want to retest on, I think your recruiter has become confused on what a merge actually is.
Just took the test about an hour ago aboard NAS Pensacola. Got a 61 7/8/7 and I owe a great deal to the people posting here, so I guess it wouldn't be fair if a didn't post my experience.

Math: Know dice probability, I had 3 out of ~20 questions on dice, I got no logs nor matrices, just a lot of heavy algebra, linear equations, geometry, and probability.

Reading: I honestly have NO IDEA how I did on this section. The passages are short, like 2 awkwardly worded run on sentences. Then 4 answers that just seem to be a rewording of the paragraph,
and are nearly as long as half of it. I guessed at I'd say over 90% of these. Just skip trying to study for this, if you can read you're good.

Mechanical: Lots of random tidbits of knowledge such as: If an iceskater is spinning and tucks her arms in her angular momentum will A increase B decrease C stay the same
This and pulleys, and couple of static friction problems, and trick questions such as 2 pictures of a guy pushing a block up a ramp in picture A ramp is longer.
Question is in which picture is more work being done? A More in A B more in B C the same
Answer I'm pretty sure is C same amount of work (correct me if im wrong)

Aviation Nautical: I could have done better here and I know it. Study you aircraft and naval aviation history, I had 5 or so and only got 2 of them. The Gouges here are all spot on. This is where I'd concentrate my study

Naval Aviation Traits: Just pick the best one

Performance Based Measures: This part is fun. The UAV pdf in here was a great way to prepare for the UAV portion. For the throttle portions and 2d portions just do your best. I was on target showing green for maybe 5% of the time. When they add the listening just relax and listen. I emphasized the listening and got only 1 out of maybe 50 or 60 wrong (that I know of) while literally just floundering around with the throttle and joystick. Lastly for the emergency procedures just do what your told its probably the easiest part.

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask me. Also my biggest fear is that I won't be accepted due to my age. I'm 26 (currently enlisted in the Navy) and I know you have to get an age waiver if you receive your commissioning after your 27th birthday. If anyone has help or advice with this please HIT ME UP!

Once again thanks guys!


Thanks for information, I take my test on the 13th of January. I'm pretty sure i'll do well on the aviation part, but what are some of the gouges you have ran into while on this site? Also what's a good one for the math part? Thanks in advance.
For math I would say if you are serious then check out ALL of the gouges in this thread. They are all fairly similar, and just make damn sure you can set up any and all rate, probability, geometry and algebra equations quickly and accurately . I graduated in 2011 with a history degree from UF (aka zero math since high school), then I ENLISTED in the Navy (long story), so suffice to say I have had zero math practice, but with a little refresher I did fine. Once again if I could prepare again I would stick to aviation knowledge and history. Easiest way that I can tell to tangibly improve my score.


Thanks I'll go back and see what I can find, I was active duty as an AM, most of the information on here I already learned from A-school, C-school, my squadron and getting my EAWS pin when it comes to aviation. Once again thanks hopefully I can brush back up on a lot of the math stuff before my test next month.


Took the ASTB today and scored 48 5 6 4, I am disappointed to say the least. Having experience in aviation both as a mechanic and pilot I was expecting to do better. I have my retest date already scheduled.

Here are the questions I have:
How is the NATFI score calculated. This is the one I got the highest out of three, but I don't know what they want to "hear". These has got to be a method to this? So for all of you who got high in this portion, share the experience.

And the PBM, it was a disaster, got a 4. The joystick and throttle is really portly set up. With inverted Y axis on the joystick, I really see no purpose to it. Anyone know why is that?

Thanks and good luck to all future test takers!


Well-Known Member
Took the ASTB today and scored 48 5 6 4, I am disappointed to say the least. Having experience in aviation both as a mechanic and pilot I was expecting to do better. I have my retest date already scheduled.

Here are the questions I have:
How is the NATFI score calculated. This is the one I got the highest out of three, but I don't know what they want to "hear". These has got to be a method to this? So for all of you who got high in this portion, share the experience.

And the PBM, it was a disaster, got a 4. The joystick and throttle is really portly set up. With inverted Y axis on the joystick, I really see no purpose to it. Anyone know why is that?

Thanks and good luck to all future test takers!

was the 4 your AQR? if so I would just apply and see what happens since you have a 90 day wait to take the test again.