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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


New Member
Hi everyone, I came across this site last week and started studying for the OAR portion last week, took the test this morning. I know I should have started on it way earlier, oh well. I think the study guides from this thread helped me directly with at least 5 or 7 questions I would not have known otherwise. I knew almost all the materials, my problem was the time limit. I did not finish all questions on reading and mechanical, I am a slow reader, not a native English speaker. So be accurate but move quickly as well. I attached two of the study guides I used here, there are lot more out there too, my favorite is the ASTB personal study guide

Here's my result, it was my first time. Make sure you get plenty of sleep the night before, I only had 4 hours since I work nights.

OAR: 55
Active Navy Rank/Rate: E-5/LS type
Applying for Supply and SWO
Major: B.A in Supply Chain Management
Michigan State University
GPA: 3.5
Age: 26
One misdemeanor in 2010 (I know on the Enlisted side, they only go back 3 years for misdemeanors, not sure about Officers)

I do believe my major in college along with my current rate in the Navy will help me tremendously with my chances of getting picked up for Supply. I am not planning to retest, any feedback? Hopefully, I will be able to knock out the interviews and LORs within the next year or so. However with my deploymens it would be difficult, especially since I am in Japan right now, it's hard to find a Reserve Suppo O4 or higher out here. Any referrals would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and good luck everyone.


  • ASTB_Personal_Study_Guide.pdf
    298.6 KB · Views: 284
  • ASTB Test Supplement.pdf
    1.9 MB · Views: 288
(maybe I was supposed to post this on this thread, but I'm not sure. I also posted this to the ASTB-E/APEX Experience Thread)

Hey yall,
Just took the ASTB-E. I ended up getting a 60 7/8/7. I owe a lot of this to the forum , and I wanted to thank everyone who was willing to give up some of their time to share their experiences and give helpful advice. I might as well return the favor and tell how it went for me.
Study Materials:
Accept Inc. ASTB-E
Barron's Military Flight Aptitude Tests

Math: Math has always been my weakest subject, and I definitely struggled with this section the most. I ended up running out of time which had me a little worried before I got my scores. I saw a lot of probability questions. Some were very simple such as what are chances of rolling doubles if the combined value is greater than 4. Others had me stumped, and I spent way too much time on them. There was another multiple probability question (I wish I could remember exactly what it was) where I probably spent a good 8 minutes trying to figure it out. In the end, I just had to cut my losses and guess. My advice for difficult questions like that where you have little to no idea on how to approach it is to set a cutoff time for that problem. Maybe attempt a couple of methods that may lead to something, but after that give it a best estimate. Other than that, I saw problems that involved factoring, square roots, college level algebra, rates, and fractions with exponents.

Reading: I have always been pretty good at reading sections in tests, however I found myself having some difficulty. I had to really focus on these. Pay very close attention to the details (duhh). One thing I did that was maybe a little weird was put both my fingers in my ears when I was reading. You CANNOT get distracted in this section. More often than not, there is at least two answers that seem right at first glance. Other than that, there's not much I can say. I didn't study for this section at all, and I don't think it would have helped if I did.

Mechanical: I dedicated a lot of time studying for this section, more than I should have in fact. There were very basic questions. Know Bernoulli's Principle (how is lift generated from airfoils), levers (how far away does this force need to be away from the fulcrum to balance the lever), electrical theory (V=IR P=VI), gears (which gear moves faster, how many rotations will gear 2 have when gear 1 has 10 teeth and makes 10 rotations). It was also the shortest of the sections. I may have answered around ten questions.

Aviation and Nautical Information: Here I also spent a lot of time studying, but in this case it was well worth it. There was nothing too specific or technical but it covered a broad area of information. My two most difficult questions had something to do with class airspace, but other than that pretty basic stuff (what causes a plane to roll?). I've read on here that you should study up on Naval history as well. I only got one question involving history, and it was a basic one (Who broke the speed of sound?). I had no exposure to flying or ships before the test besides in my NROTC classes, so I needed to get at least the basic concept of everything down. I started by reading Accepted Inc's section and it was a good primer. It gave me a lot of good vocabulary, and told me what affects what on the plane (rudder = yaw, elevator = pitch). However it won't be enough. I would recommend Barron's Military Flight Aptitude Tests for the most coverage. There's a lot in there, and it's all useful. Also highly recommended this link which I got from here. http://www.futureofficer.com/downloads/ASTB_Personal_Study_Guide.pdf (I unfortunately skipped the bit about studying airspace, and it bit me in the ass)

UAV Portion: Only thing I can say here is practice a lot before you get there. This is the one time in the test where you know exactly what kind of questions you're getting, and you can easily get all of them right in and around 3-4 seconds if you practice enough. I used these online flashcards (http://www.proprofs.com/flashcards/story.php?title=_36014), and practiced for maybe 2 hours before the test. Unfortunately for me I couldn't keep my concentration for the entire portion. I started missing a couple in a row because I began to worry that I was taking too long to get the answer right. I have a feeling that a right answer that took a few more seconds to get is worth more than a wrong answer in two so don't do what I did. Practice practice practice until you barely have to think about it.

Simulator:.........Jesus, this thing was brutal. Really don't know what to tell ya here. It's tough, but do your best. You will feel like you're sucking something awful while it's going on, just don't let it get to your head. My strategy was to prioritize. For example, when you're responsible for keeping both planes in your crosshairs while number/letters are being read in both of your ears. Before I even began, I prioritized the listening and entering the correct joystick/throttle inputs with the corresponding number. Next on my list was keeping my crosshair on the object moving in the two dimensional plane. Last on my list of priorities was the object moving up and down on the side of the screen. With the last, I completely relied on my peripherals and barely ever had the green crosshair (crosshair turns green when it's close enough to the target).

So I'm sure you guys are sick of getting this question, but I can't resist. I'm a Computer Science Major, GPA: 3.66 OAR: 60 AQR: 7 PFAR: 8 FOFAR: 7. Do you think that gives me a good shot on picking up a SNA slot? In classes before me, I've noticed a common trend of MIDN getting "press ganged" into the Nuclear Navy when there grades are too good, especially with technical majors. At least in my unit, we are required to put down either Nuke Sub or Nuke Swo on our top five so it's a reasonable concern to have. What trends have you noticed in NROTC classes before you? Average GPAs? Average ASTB scores? etc.
Anyway ya that's pretty much it. I'm glad it's over because that thing was stressing me out. Hope my experience and advice helps all you future test takers out there (just try and get worse scores than me please;)......kidding.....kinda...).


New Member
Has anyone ever tried using Khan Academy to help them Review?

Yeah, the Khan Academy site is really awesome. I'm really surprised it's offered for free because the interaction and quality of the site are first class.

I'm using it for math and physics review and it really helps...highly recommend!


New Member
Yeah, the Khan Academy site is really awesome. I'm really surprised it's offered for free because the interaction and quality of the site are first class.

I'm using it for math and physics review and it really helps...highly recommend!

What math topics are you following on there?


New Member
What math topics are you following on there?
Pretty much all the "High school and beyond" stuff, but mostly the Algebra I and II and the geometry and trig stuff. I like the "hint" feature and the videos are great in explaining how to do the problems. I think once I know the theories of all the different types of problems I'll be ok on the test.


Just took the ASTB-E today. Thanks to everyone who posted all the great information on this site. :)
OAR: 64 AQR: 8 PFAR: 6 FOFAR: 7
Study guides used:
ASTB Accepted
ASTB Sample Q's
Petersons Marine Study Guide and Practice Test
ASTB Personal Study Guide
online flashcards on Proprofs

Math: Math was alright, there were probabilty questions, factoring, word problems. Just like others said, the test was a bit different and unexpected from all the material that I studied. I wouldn't say it was harder, just more unexpected.

Reading: Really dry military texts and some other random texts. I didn't really study for this section, so maybe that's why I felt like it was the hardest one.

Mechanical: Pulleys, mechanical advantage, and random basic physics questions. This section was also hard for me because some of the material on the test was totally new for me. I'm not really a physics guy, but the information on the study guides plus a couple of KhanAcademy videos kind of got me ready for this section.

Aviation Knowledge: a couple of history questions, forces on a plane. Some stuff were on the study guides, some weren't.

Traits Questionaire: Just go with your gut.

UAV: Practice some problems from the proprofs flashcards. This part was harder than expected. I just repeated the practice problems given from the exam like 20 times. I'd say try concentrate on getting a correct answer instead of speed.

2D/Vertical Tracking/Emergency Procedures: I felt like I was failing this part, but I ended up doing alright. I didn't prepare for this part of the exam except for reading up on what to expect. Just try your best, write down the emergency procedures and concentrate on the task at hand.

Overall: It was harder than expected, but from reading others experiences and from my own experience, you will probably get a higher score than you expect. I wish I could give more information, but after 4 hours of taking the test and BIRV, it all seems like a blur~

Again, thanks to everyone for all the help and tips! Feel free to ask me anything. :)

Colby Snider

New Member
Can someone please explain the UAV portion in as much detail as possible? I've looked through here, but most postings just say to study/review the flashcards and practice portion a lot before taking the test, but I don't exactly understand what is being asked of me and how to determine the correct answer. I have posted the links to the flashcards below. Am I assuming the red arrow is the direction of travel? Of north? I assumed it was north, but then got to question 5 and was completely lost, so I assumed it was the direction of travel, but was then not sure how to determine the direction, etc. unless I assumed North is always "A," and that doesn't seem right to me. Any help is much appreciated. I am just now starting to study for my ASTB and this site is AMAZING! I've put together a study binder and bought the Military Flight Aptitude Test book, etc. I'm really excited to begin this portion of my life and appreciate everyone's information. Thanks in advance for your replies!



New Member
Anyone ever consider taking online classes to prep for the ASTB? I have about a year before I need to submit my application and I feel like this may be a more in depth approach to studying for the test.


New Member
Hello everyone,
I am new to this site and I am not sure where to start! I heard different statements about study guides so I just want to know if anyone can post a link to the most helpful study guides.

I am taking the ASTB on May 14th and I am incredibly nervous. I am trying to apply for OCS-Supply and I am trying to get my package together. My recruiter works submarines(?) so he is leaving like the final week of May so I am trying to get everything together before he departs.

Just a little bit about myself:
I just turned 26, I am a single mother but I have spoken with my parents and they have agreed to take care of my daughter (she is 5) if I do get accepted into OCS. It has been a difficult decision to make but joining the Navy has been eating me up and if I don't do this I feel like I will regret it the rest of my life!

I have my BS in Interdisciplinary Studies (3.66 GPA) and I graduate next month with my MBA (3.8 GPA). I also completed a 1 year program and received a certificate for Biosafety Technician and I am a certified Phlebotomist. (not sure if this matters but something I completed while I was in school).

I had a hyperthyroidism problem in 2011 but it has been "normal". I am not on any medication. I went to the doctor to get my TSH and woman's exam. I also had Lasik Eye Surgery in 2011 so I got the medical records for that and a new eye exam.

Help! Everything has been going so fast and I would like to hear input on what are my chances on getting into OCS. THANK YOU!


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,
I am new to this site and I am not sure where to start! I heard different statements about study guides so I just want to know if anyone can post a link to the most helpful study guides.

I am taking the ASTB on May 14th and I am incredibly nervous. I am trying to apply for OCS-Supply and I am trying to get my package together. My recruiter works submarines(?) so he is leaving like the final week of May so I am trying to get everything together before he departs.

Just a little bit about myself:
I just turned 26, I am a single mother but I have spoken with my parents and they have agreed to take care of my daughter (she is 5) if I do get accepted into OCS. It has been a difficult decision to make but joining the Navy has been eating me up and if I don't do this I feel like I will regret it the rest of my life!

I have my BS in Interdisciplinary Studies (3.66 GPA) and I graduate next month with my MBA (3.8 GPA). I also completed a 1 year program and received a certificate for Biosafety Technician and I am a certified Phlebotomist. (not sure if this matters but something I completed while I was in school).

I had a hyperthyroidism problem in 2011 but it has been "normal". I am not on any medication. I went to the doctor to get my TSH and woman's exam. I also had Lasik Eye Surgery in 2011 so I got the medical records for that and a new eye exam.

Help! Everything has been going so fast and I would like to hear input on what are my chances on getting into OCS. THANK YOU!

besides the ASTB which you are asking for help on it seems like all your other ducks are in a row, good GPA, good degree so keep pushing, also one of the best officers I worked for was a single mother when she came into the USN.


Active Member
Can someone please explain the UAV portion in as much detail as possible? I've looked through here, but most postings just say to study/review the flashcards and practice portion a lot before taking the test, but I don't exactly understand what is being asked of me and how to determine the correct answer. I have posted the links to the flashcards below. Am I assuming the red arrow is the direction of travel? Of north? I assumed it was north, but then got to question 5 and was completely lost, so I assumed it was the direction of travel, but was then not sure how to determine the direction, etc. unless I assumed North is always "A," and that doesn't seem right to me. Any help is much appreciated. I am just now starting to study for my ASTB and this site is AMAZING! I've put together a study binder and bought the Military Flight Aptitude Test book, etc. I'm really excited to begin this portion of my life and appreciate everyone's information. Thanks in advance for your replies!


The red arrow is the direction you are heading. AKA your "Heading."
Then you look at the right side of the flashcard and the direction you are going is always from C to A (or up the page).
So, if the red arrow is on south, then the direction from C to A is south... A would be the south Carpark.
If the red arrow is on east, then the direction from C to A is east... C would be the west Carpark and A would be the east Carpark.

That make sense?