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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


Well-Known Member
Just got back from the office with my new scores in hand. Old scores were 47 5/6/5. New scores are 52 7/9/7! My OAR is still pretty average but I knocked the rest of it out of the park in my opinion. I think I might stand a chance to be competitive this coming board!

Niiiice dude. That PFAR is impressive, especially since you're going for SNA only. Good luck on the next board.


Just got back from the office with my new scores in hand. Old scores were 47 5/6/5. New scores are 52 7/9/7! My OAR is still pretty average but I knocked the rest of it out of the park in my opinion. I think I might stand a chance to be competitive this coming board!
Awesome scores dude! do you think you did better just because it was second time around and basically muscle memory or did you study differently?

In terms of the flight simulation, that is.


meh, worst case scenario, we die.
My aviation nautical and aviation knowledge didn't really increase. I was a prior active duty AO2 and am now a licensed pilot so that part came easy. I approached the Facet test a little differently this time. Went in with the attitude of an officer and a leader and I think it helped a lot. The PBM was probably the largest improvement. There were a couple of questions on the UAV test I messed up the first time because I got the perspective reversed (I viewed the yellow triangle as my own field of view instead of the body of the aircraft.) The Dichotic listening test I also did a alot better on because I didnt fully understand what I was supposed to be doing the first time (I was listening for numbers in both ears instead of one.) I definitely feel I did better on the object tracking just because I was more familiar with the rates of it all. The EP's I just wrote down and was able to correct the emergency pretty fast.

Hope this helps!


My aviation nautical and aviation knowledge didn't really increase. I was a prior active duty AO2 and am now a licensed pilot so that part came easy. I approached the Facet test a little differently this time. Went in with the attitude of an officer and a leader and I think it helped a lot. The PBM was probably the largest improvement. There were a couple of questions on the UAV test I messed up the first time because I got the perspective reversed (I viewed the yellow triangle as my own field of view instead of the body of the aircraft.) The Dichotic listening test I also did a alot better on because I didnt fully understand what I was supposed to be doing the first time (I was listening for numbers in both ears instead of one.) I definitely feel I did better on the object tracking just because I was more familiar with the rates of it all. The EP's I just wrote down and was able to correct the emergency pretty fast.

Hope this helps!

That did! thank you!

Leslie Brown

Hi everyone! Does anyone have practice questions for the reading comprehension portion of the exam? I've seen a lot of math and mechanical study guides and practice problems, but not much for reading.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! Does anyone have practice questions for the reading comprehension portion of the exam? I've seen a lot of math and mechanical study guides and practice problems, but not much for reading.
I haven't seen much online, but a lot of the ASTB textbooks have a reading section with sample passages. I would try to get ahold of one of those if you can. Barrons is a great book and has tons of information in addition to the reading parts.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! Does anyone have practice questions for the reading comprehension portion of the exam? I've seen a lot of math and mechanical study guides and practice problems, but not much for reading.
Actually, look here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjAAegQIEhAB&usg=AOvVaw1G5Y_21GYUAuH0ar4feM_b

The most important thing to remember is that a lot the answers could be inferred from the passage, but there's only one true answer that actually came from the passage.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! Does anyone have practice questions for the reading comprehension portion of the exam? I've seen a lot of math and mechanical study guides and practice problems, but not much for reading.


This link ^^^ and the four pdfs I uploaded below are practice tests I've saved on my computer and use to practice reading/math/mechanical that might benefit you.


  • 2005 Practice Test.pdf
    4.6 MB · Views: 162
  • ASTB_SampleQuestions_13May14.pdf
    930.3 KB · Views: 173
  • Barron Practice Test.pdf
    7.4 MB · Views: 173
  • Full ASTB Practice Test.pdf
    999.4 KB · Views: 202


Well-Known Member
So I'm taking the OAR this Thursday at 1 PM (I've waited three years for this) and I just want to clarify on a couple of things. I've read through these forums up and down and just want to make sure I go into this right. For Mechanical, there are only three options right? Also, I read some people say that the test gives you formulas. Is this both for mechanical and math? What type of formulas are they giving? I would say I'm worried most for mechanical section more than any other. If any one has any last minute pointers for what I should direct my attention to studying these last two days with Mechanical that'd be great and extremely appreciated.


Well-Known Member
For Mechanical, there are only three options right?
I read some people say that the test gives you formulas. Is this both for mechanical and math?
Math only
What type of formulas are they giving?
Pretty basic ones. Mostly just area/volume of various shapes. Maybe the quadratic formula? Can't remember. I don't think I even used the formulas during the test.
If any one has any last minute pointers for what I should direct my attention to studying these last two days with Mechanical that'd be great and extremely appreciated
For me, this section was almost completely conceptual. I don't think I even used any scratch paper or had to do any calculations (although I do recall having to calculate something with a spring, but I didn't study that so I just guessed). The questions were more along the lines of:
  • if this gear turns this way, which way will this other gear turn?
  • if this gear turns x amount of times, will this smaller gear turn more, less, or the same amount of times?
  • which way does the fulcrum need to move to have x affect on some object on the lever?
  • how much force do I need to put on this pulley to lift the object? (super simple numbers, but know mechanical advantage)
  • if an x-gallon bucket can be filled at y gallons/minute and drained at z gallons/minute, how long to fill the bucket if it's being filled and drained at the same time?
  • if this cam rotates x times, how many times will the valve open?
  • if this object is thrown with a horizontal velocity and this other object is dropped with no velocity, which will hit the ground first?
  • at what position will the piston be exerting the most force?
Overall, just know your simple machines and mechanical advantage and I think you'll be fine. The Barron's book was a pretty accurate portrayal of what I got on the mechanical part of the test, and most of the study guides floating around out there should suffice if your test is anything like mine was.

Any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. I took the test on 15 DEC.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
For this parallel circuits question, how do you get to the final answer?
For parallel resistors, all you really need to know is that first equation: 1/Req = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 and so on depending on how many resistors there are in total. Once you get the 0.0035 using the equation, set it equal to 1/Req and solve for Req.