This seems to be a more active thread for stats and scores than the ones in the "Path to Commission" area, so here goes:
OAR: 59
GPA: 3.053 after 7 years of college
Degree: Business Admin W/ Option in Intl Business, Graduating later this month.
LORS: An Old Scoutmaster of mine who also happens to be retired from Raytheon, Two Work Superiors who gave glowing recommendations, and one from a program director and advisor from college.
Vision: 20/17 uncorrected
First MEPS visit went very smoothly, but I'm not sure I'm adequately fit, I think I can run a 16-17 min 1.5 miles, and most likely do maximum of 40 sit-ups and 30 push-ups.
I applied for Pilot and NFO, and I believe the Board will review my packet on the 23rd of this month. I dread the response.
Do I even have a chance?
P.S. This is my first post on Air Warriors, please do not hesitate to tell me if there's anything I'm doing wrong.