Hey guys checking in. I took my ASTB Wednesday and scored a 50 6/6/7. My scores are very average, but my recruiter told me to have confidence applying with those scores. I want to thank everyone on this thread and throughout Air Warriors for all of the advice and study material and gouge. I only had 5 days to study because I needed to schedule my ASTB ASAP for work reasons, so I know I can score better if I have to retake and reapply because of the great information I have found on here. Search, study, search, study more material. I am 26 with a cumulative 3.8 gpa with a masters in crop science, and have had PRK in the past. I am awaiting MEPS to so see if I qualify for SNA and NFO or NFO only. Will be applying for both if I qualify at MEPS for the August Board. Is there a spreadsheet for the August board? Also any workout recommendations to prepare for the PRT and OCS?