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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


Well-Known Member
For the 2-D tracking is it just the Y-Axis(up/down) that's inverted? Or is the X-Axis backwards as well?
Also can someone explain this probabilty problem? P(A)=7/10 P(A or B)=173/200 P(B)=?
The answer is 11/20.


Well-Known Member
For the 2-D tracking is it just the Y-Axis(up/down) that's inverted? Or is the X-Axis backwards as well?
Also can someone explain this probabilty problem? P(A)=7/10 P(A or B)=173/200 P(B)=?
The answer is 11/20.
On the joystick, to move your crosshairs up on the screen you will pull back on the stick, as you would in a plane. To go down to push forward. Left=left right=right.
Just trying to get some advice and guidance before i go and take the ASTB for the last time. Here are the scores i have gotten in the past 1st time OAR:45 AQR: 4 PFAR: 5 FOFAR: 5. 2nd time 44 4/6/5. I get one more opportunity to take it and i am just trying to figure out what i need to be focusing my study on in order to bring my AQR score up to at least a 5. What part of the test effects that score? Thank you in advance


Well-Known Member
Just trying to get some advice and guidance before i go and take the ASTB for the last time. Here are the scores i have gotten in the past 1st time OAR:45 AQR: 4 PFAR: 5 FOFAR: 5. 2nd time 44 4/6/5. I get one more opportunity to take it and i am just trying to figure out what i need to be focusing my study on in order to bring my AQR score up to at least a 5. What part of the test effects that score? Thank you in advance

Good luck!


New Member
Just trying to get some advice and guidance before i go and take the ASTB for the last time. Here are the scores i have gotten in the past 1st time OAR:45 AQR: 4 PFAR: 5 FOFAR: 5. 2nd time 44 4/6/5. I get one more opportunity to take it and i am just trying to figure out what i need to be focusing my study on in order to bring my AQR score up to at least a 5. What part of the test effects that score? Thank you in advance

The complete breakdown (or the non-confidential/unclas breakdown) of the ASTB is found on this website:

It has a practice test on it as well. I'm not sure what you are using for study material, but I would recommend giving Barron's Military Flight Aptitude Tests study guide a try if you haven't already. I hope this helps & best of luck on your final attempt!
Hi all,

I took the ASTB last month and scored a 62 8/7/7. I spent about a month studying for it. Since I work full time, it was mainly on the weekends that I studied. For preparation, I used five different study resources:
  1. These flashcards: https://www.cram.com/flashcards/astb-aviation-nautical-information-test-anit-comprehensive-4718163 They really helped me perform well on the aviation and nautical knowledge sections of the test. I made real life flashcards of nearly every single virtual flashcard on that site.
  2. Kyle's ASTB study kit: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AvPi5oH_h_13TGajDvflDWkftwXO8LS6 Kyle (you can find him earlier in this thread) got an awesome score, so why not learn from the best? Now, I didn't use Kyle's kit as much as I should, but the "Air Warriors Guide" underneath the "General Study Guides" section helped guide me in preparation for the math section, and I can confirm, it really does help!
  3. The UAV practice:
  4. The Mometrix OAR/ASTB-e guide. Now, this book was a little too easy for me, but provided a good foundation for understanding what I had to study.
  5. The ARCO GRE/GMAT Math Review. I specifically studied the sections that I knew that I was weakest in, namely the problems in the motion genre involving D=RT.
I struggled more than I should have during the UAV portion due to insufficient practice on my own time before hand with respect to rapidly turning the compass in the direction it was supposed to go and ended up getting quite a few questions wrong (I want to say like ~5 or more). Keep in mind I didn't practice this section at all in the month or so that studied for this exam. All I did was watch the UAV practice video listed above and make a half hearted attempt at doing the flash cards here: https://www.proprofs.com/flashcards/story.php?title=_36014 . Regardless, don't make the same mistakes I did: Practice those TBAS UAV flash cards until you have them down cold or take some time during the exam and draw the full set of eight (8) compasses so that you are not busy twisting and turning the compass like I was on the test.

Dichotic listening was also somewhat of a struggle for me simply because I was worried midway through that test portion that I had mixed up the buttons for the left and right side. LOL. Anyways, be sure to read the instructions very very carefully for this section.

For emergency procedures, yes write them down!

Final note: My test crashed once, which required the procter to restart the exam from where I had left off. I additionally clicked the wrong answer on at least one question each on the math and reading sections because the exam froze up. Specifically, when I went to click my mouse on the answer that I had already chosen a bunch of times in rapid succession to try to get the exam to unfreeze, it suddenly jumped to the next question. Since I was clicking so fast to try to get the test to unfreeze, I inadvertently clicked an answer choice on the next question when the test suddenly unfroze and the question changed in the process and probably (almost certainly...) selected the wrong answer in the process. Don't be like me. If your answer to a question is already selected and the test appears frozen, just give it some time. If worst comes to worst, just tell your procter to restart the exam for you.

Good luck everyone. Now I'm off to handle my myriad medical nonsense. sighh...


New Member
Applying for SWO
Degree: Biology/minor in Chem 3.2 GPA
First attempt: 35
Second Attempt: 38
Final attempt: 46

I just want to thank you guys for all your contributions to this site. After my second attempt, I was extremely discouraged and didn't know what to do. I found this site and all the materials here were extremely helpful, even saw a few of the same questions on the test. Study materials: Gre book, organic chem tutor, khan academy, and the practice test and guides that are on this site.
I ended getting a lot of word problems, D=rt and work together was the most prominent. Basic algebra, geometry, averages, and F(x) with fractional exponents. I timed out on these sections
Like everyone says just take your time and try to find the one that closely related to the passage. I didn't study for this section and I think it showed on my score. At one point I thought I couldn't read because the answer choices were such a headache.
This was the easiest section. Barrons did a great job of explaining all the topics that you need. I also used a couple of study guides I found on a google drive, if you need it I can email it to you. A lot of Bernoulli principle, a couple of levers, what happens when you drop 2 balls at the same time, throw a ball horizontally and drop one vertically, and a question about removing and adding pins to a reactor(I picked when you add it slows down the reaction and when you remove it speeds it up )
Again thank you guys off to MEPS!


New Member
Just took the ASTB and scored a 37 4 6 4 (went into the test with a week of studying and wasn't sure what to expect). I have 150hrs with a PPL and Instrument Rating and figured a quick glance at the gouge would be enough to take the test to see what its like. With a GPA of 2.7 what scores would I need to be competitive for SNA?


Well-Known Member
Just took the ASTB and scored a 37 4 6 4 (went into the test with a week of studying and wasn't sure what to expect). I have 150hrs with a PPL and Instrument Rating and figured a quick glance at the gouge would be enough to take the test to see what its like. With a GPA of 2.7 what scores would I need to be competitive for SNA?
Unfortunately with those scores you don’t qualify for SNA. Search around and you can find the minimums, I don’t remember off the top of my head. You’ll have to take it a second time though for sure


New Member
Just took the ASTB and scored a 37 4 6 4 (went into the test with a week of studying and wasn't sure what to expect). I have 150hrs with a PPL and Instrument Rating and figured a quick glance at the gouge would be enough to take the test to see what its like. With a GPA of 2.7 what scores would I need to be competitive for SNA?
Retaking the test in the spring in hopes to submit the package by summer. I've seen where engineering gpa tends to be lower due to the difficulty of the major but as a 2.7 Criminal Justice major with a year left in college I would think my ASTB scores would need to be on the upper hand of 50 and 7's across the board? Also not sure if having a direct family member that flew for the Navy would have any affect on the boards.


Well-Known Member
Retaking the test in the spring in hopes to submit the package by summer. I've seen where engineering gpa tends to be lower due to the difficulty of the major but as a 2.7 Criminal Justice major with a year left in college I would think my ASTB scores would need to be on the upper hand of 50 and 7's across the board? Also not sure if having a direct family member that flew for the Navy would have any affect on the boards.
Oh yeah, GPA's seem to range all over the place, I believe 2.5 is the minimum, not sure. But I know those ASTB scores don't qualify you for an SNA spot. Again, not exactly sure what the minimum is, you'd have to look it up. I wanna say 5/6/6 but not sure.


Active Member
Retaking the test in the spring in hopes to submit the package by summer. I've seen where engineering gpa tends to be lower due to the difficulty of the major but as a 2.7 Criminal Justice major with a year left in college I would think my ASTB scores would need to be on the upper hand of 50 and 7's across the board? Also not sure if having a direct family member that flew for the Navy would have any affect on the boards.

@njrecc is right its a 5/6/6 is the minimum. And according to the other sections of this forum a 58 7/8/7 would be considered competitive for an SNA slot.
Greeting everyone I am posting practice test that I did while studying for the OAR Exam I will follow them with answers to show how i got to my answers.


  • Practice Test 0.docx
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  • Practice Test 1.docx
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  • Practice Test 2.docx
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  • Practice Test 3.docx
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  • Practice Test 4.docx
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  • Practice Test 5.docx
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  • Practice Test 6.docx
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  • Practice Test 7.docx
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  • Practice Test 8.docx
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The other portion of practice test


  • Practice Test 9.docx
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  • Practice Test 10.docx
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  • Practice Test 11.docx
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  • Practice Test 12.docx
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  • Practice Test 13.docx
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  • Practice Test 14.docx
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  • Practice Test 15.docx
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  • Practice Test 16.docx
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  • Practice Test 17.docx
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  • Practice Test 18.docx
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