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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


New Member
Hello all,

I've been a long time lurker and finally took the test yesterday. Here is what i have gather for y'all. My scores were 53 6/7/7 and i have a BS MechE with a 2.95.

Math Section:
For this portion of the test i really felt like i had very little time. One question vividly recall was "You have x score on this test, y on the second, z on the third. Each test is weighted 10% more than the previous. What do you need on the 4th to have XY average at the end of the course." Also I remember this question that i completely guessed that it was "You have a square with dimension X and height Y. You pack a cylinder within this square in such a way that the sides touch the sides of the square. Find a formula describing the empty space left within the cube." Another "A moving company charges X fee and X.XX for every additional mile, Moving company B charges Y fee and Y.YY for every additional mile. Find the moment in which both fees will be equal." Honestly i would just say try your best in this section and if you have to guess so be it; chances are you wont have time to finish this whole portion anyways.

Pretty straight forward to what other have said, Just rely on what the excerpt says and don't try to assume anything that wasn't stated within the excerpt. I felt like i had enough time for this section.

Mechanical comprehension
This part was not so bad given my background with ME. I recall this question "You have Triangle A with base 5 and height 5, Triangle B with base 10 height 5. Which requires more work?" Easy, Triangle A. Definitely brush up on moment problems. I'm pretty sure i finished this section before time ran out.

I studied the most for this portion given that i have most of my background in engineering and none in Aeronautical... after all, we are all hoping to join the navy. This wasn't too bad, It was definitely short and not too hard. I recall "Which of the following was turned into a tanker during Iraqi Freedom - F14" and "Who does the flight commander or something report too - CAG" Also one on classifications of USAF A/C, I'm pretty sure I guess on this one. As well as components of a plane and what controls what: such as, Roll - Ailerons.

This portion was so stupid, Honestly just answer as best as you can. You have like 30+ min for this portion which in my opinion was dumb.

Flight Sim
I don't even know what to say here, I just remember laughing at myself from how poorly I was doing... I spoke with the chief that administered the test and she said she's tried a couple times and doesn't seem to get it, and that you might "just have it or you don't". This just test your multi-tasking skills. When the emergency scenarios came up i thought it was practice so i missed the second one. All in all, just take your time and do your best cause chances are you'll do terrible anyways unless you have previous sim or flight experience. I remember the throttles being extremely sensitive. When i had to track both planes i focused my attention on the dot in the bigger screen and paid peripheral attention to the vertical dot. You gotta pick and choose your battles...

I answered all the questions under 3 seconds. Work fast but don,t make the mistake I made of rushing to answer, and answering wrong; given that I missed 3 of however many questions I had. The compass on paper trick was a life saver.

I have attached some files that I used to prepare. Nevertheless, I want to thank everyone here. Without y'all i would have never been set on walking this path. The Officer recruiting office in SD has been playing games with me, the last time I went to take the test back in Oct, they stood me up while i waited outside for an 1.5 hours, Also they are moving offices and said they wouldn't be administering test till May... So i told myself "I cold either wait and have one chance to take it before the board in June, given the 31 day gap between test, or i can do anything and everything to set myself up for success". I took destiny into my own hands and decided to drive 2 Hours north just to take the exam. My advice to all the people struggling to take the test at the moment with Covid would be to see all the navy officer offices in your state and calling each one. Which is what i did; in the end, I'm not going to let someone or any external factor deter me from who i want to be... If you want something bad enough, you will do anything you can to bend reality in a way to make things happen one way or the other.
I feel like my recruiter wasn't very serious about me at first given that I called a week in advance to take my test. Once i took it and she said I passed she mentioned that they get a lot of wannabees that completely wet the bed. So see it through their perspective, they obviously don't want to waste their time either. Cheers and good luck everyone.

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Hello all,

I've been a long time lurker and finally took the test yesterday. Here is what i have gather for y'all. My scores were 53 6/7/7 and i have a BS MechE with a 2.95.

Math Section:
For this portion of the test i really felt like i had very little time. One question vividly recall was "You have x score on this test, y on the second, z on the third. Each test is weighted 10% more than the previous. What do you need on the 4th to have XY average at the end of the course." Also I remember this question that i completely guessed that it was "You have a square with dimension X and height Y. You pack a cylinder within this square in such a way that the sides touch the sides of the square. Find a formula describing the empty space left within the cube." Another "A moving company charges X fee and X.XX for every additional mile, Moving company B charges Y fee and Y.YY for every additional mile. Find the moment in which both fees will be equal." Honestly i would just say try your best in this section and if you have to guess so be it; chances are you wont have time to finish this whole portion anyways.

Pretty straight forward to what other have said, Just rely on what the excerpt says and don't try to assume anything that wasn't stated within the excerpt. I felt like i had enough time for this section.

Mechanical comprehension
This part was not so bad given my background with ME. I recall this question "You have Triangle A with base 5 and height 5, Triangle B with base 10 height 5. Which requires more work?" Easy, Triangle A. Definitely brush up on moment problems. I'm pretty sure i finished this section before time ran out.

I studied the most for this portion given that i have most of my background in engineering and none in Aeronautical... after all, we are all hoping to join the navy. This wasn't too bad, It was definitely short and not too hard. I recall "Which of the following was turned into a tanker during Iraqi Freedom - F14" and "Who does the flight commander or something report too - CAG" Also one on classifications of USAF A/C, I'm pretty sure I guess on this one. As well as components of a plane and what controls what: such as, Roll - Ailerons.

This portion was so stupid, Honestly just answer as best as you can. You have like 30+ min for this portion which in my opinion was dumb.

Flight Sim
I don't even know what to say here, I just remember laughing at myself from how poorly I was doing... I spoke with the chief that administered the test and she said she's tried a couple times and doesn't seem to get it, and that you might "just have it or you don't". This just test your multi-tasking skills. When the emergency scenarios came up i thought it was practice so i missed the second one. All in all, just take your time and do your best cause chances are you'll do terrible anyways unless you have previous sim or flight experience. I remember the throttles being extremely sensitive. When i had to track both planes i focused my attention on the dot in the bigger screen and paid peripheral attention to the vertical dot. You gotta pick and choose your battles...

I answered all the questions under 3 seconds. Work fast but don,t make the mistake I made of rushing to answer, and answering wrong; given that I missed 3 of however many questions I had. The compass on paper trick was a life saver.

I have attached some files that I used to prepare. Nevertheless, I want to thank everyone here. Without y'all i would have never been set on walking this path. The Officer recruiting office in SD has been playing games with me, the last time I went to take the test back in Oct, they stood me up while i waited outside for an 1.5 hours, Also they are moving offices and said they wouldn't be administering test till May... So i told myself "I cold either wait and have one chance to take it before the board in June, given the 31 day gap between test, or i can do anything and everything to set myself up for success". I took destiny into my own hands and decided to drive 2 Hours north just to take the exam. My advice to all the people struggling to take the test at the moment with Covid would be to see all the navy officer offices in your state and calling each one. Which is what i did; in the end, I'm not going to let someone or any external factor deter me from who i want to be... If you want something bad enough, you will do anything you can to bend reality in a way to make things happen one way or the other.
I feel like my recruiter wasn't very serious about me at first given that I called a week in advance to take my test. Once i took it and she said I passed she mentioned that they get a lot of wannabees that completely wet the bed. So see it through their perspective, they obviously don't want to waste their time either. Cheers and good luck everyone.

Which Google Drive did you find more helpful?



I've been studying this thread for a while now and just took the test this morning and figured I'd share my experience. The program I am applying for only requires the OAR so my take would only be for that specific portion of the test.

OAR: 52

Recommendations for day of test: Bring water. Absolutely bring water, because I was in a dry, stale room that seemed to have been sucked of all the moisture in the air. I had a headache, couldn't focus, and probably missed a few questions just because I didn't have water so bring water.

This part was half good, half bad. There was some factoring, order of operations, fractions, an average (John scored scored a 58, 72, and 90 for the first 3 tests, His fourth score was 20 more than 1/5th his 3rd test. What must he score on (5/10?) his 5th and 6th test to score an average of XYZ) I definitely guessed on this one because of the amount of time it would take to solve, a cash rebate (Option A is to pay the sales tax. Option B would be to provide a $5000 cash rebate and the price of the car is $32,000.), and a distance question (IF John rode 35 mph for 12 minutes, 20 mph for 20 minutes, and 60 for 36 minutes, how far did he drive?). There was also a few (pre-calculus?) questions on there, not sure if actually pre-calculus, but it asked me which of the functions is symmetric about the origin (this one is pretty easy, it was y=x^2 which is a parabola and is symmetric about the origin) and which function has an absolute minimum value (Pretty sure this one was x^2+2x+4 or something like that). In terms of studying, I actually recommend getting comfortable in doing basic arithmetic and brushing up on the basics from the guides on here. A majority of the questions was based on the gouge provided, but even then its really hard to say what kind of question you'll get. Just be comfortable in figuring out what they want and how you can get there with the numbers provided.

I was super dehydrated. I had a headache from lack of proper hydration and the words seemed to focus in and out on me. I berated myself because if I had brought some water, I could've scored higher. This section was straight-forward and not much to really study on, just make sure that you have a clear mind and are well hydrated.

I was dehydrated in this section as well, but forced myself to focus. This section was not so bad, actually. Some Bernoulli's principle, equation for power, V is = to what given I (current) and (resistance), gravity, density, and a few other questions I don't remember. This section only provides 3 options so its pretty easy, you can definitely eliminate one answer choice because sometimes it will have: "There is no answer with the given information provided" or something like that. I'd say just run over the gouge provided here and have a basic understanding of what's provided in them.

Overall, wasn't sure if my score was good or not, but my recruiter said he wouldn't worry about it cause' its a good score so looks like I won't be re-testing. My advice to those who are beginning the process, be patient with the recruiter and focus on what you can to provide a good package. Bring water! Bring water to the exam and make sure you've eaten a light breakfast before the exam. I could've gotten a way better score, if I had brought some water with me. I'm not going to provide any gouge, because all I studied was on here and a few YouTube videos to fill in the gaps.

Good luck!


New Member
Which Google Drive did you find more helpful?
Both had invaluable information. I believe i worked out of Holly's OAR more. Thank you btw Holly!

Also This is my personal drive. I uploaded pictures of my notebook so it might not be as legit as the other drives on here but theres a bit of everything in there. I find myself being able to retain material more when i write it down versus typing it. Figured itd link it anyways. The more sources the better.



SNA Pro-Rec Y
Hey guys,

I just took my 2nd attempt today and got 71 8/9/8. My first attempt was 41 3/6/4.

I owe a lot to this thread and I just wanted to give back with some helpful tips and study advice for newcomers.

Test day: Good sleep the night before, and eat a decent and small meal before the test, too much will stuff you and too little will leave you hungry. Like others said before, bring water! This helps keep dehydration from distracting you while testing. Also, bring a small snack to satisfy your hunger between the tests; this helped me a lot the 2nd time through, I was getting very pissed and anxious when my stomach was struggling the first time.

Before doing anything, take a timed practice test of the ASTB and see where you're weak at. The best way to prepare is to find your strength, weakness, and the threshold for working under time pressure.


I recommend going through all of the "OAR math guide" questions in Kyle's files. This has all the types of questions you'll see, maybe not as difficult as the actual test but it'll show you what you need. After going through all of it, review everything you got wrong till you understand it.

On test day, you have time to think out the question. Don't worry about stressing on time, just focus on taking the time to find the correct answer and only "logically" guess if you don't know how to even start on the question.


Just read boring textbooks, this will get you mentally prepare for long text on the test. On the test, I would read each question individually and compare it to the text, and just cross out all the choices that even seem a bit off from what was referred.


In Kyle's files, I read through all the Mech guides and try to understand the concepts and formulas. This may take time but it will bring results.

Naut/Aviation Info

I used any flashcard on this online and just went through them when I had the time. I didn't do any of the reading of the text, but it would prob help you more if you did.

As for the joystick and UAV stuff, I just played some games with inverse control and practice the paper compass trick a lot.

Honestly, a lot of what you need is just in Kyle's files, so just create a dedicated study routine and aim to prepare ahead instead of just 3 days before the test day.


Kyle's Files

Hey everyone. I was looking at some of the other posts people recommended a Free Petersons Publishing ASTB practice test. However many of you may know that the free test is gone. I was just wondering if anyone recommends the paid course course from Peterson Publishing. I am planning on taking the ASTB in a few months. Thank you.


Hey everyone,

Took the test and didn't do as hot as I hope, got a 38 4-4-4

UAV part really got me, and I studied the flashcards but some questions UAV locations really screwed me up. I wish I could've seen what I did bad at in the OAR part.

The flight controlling part was also difficult, anyone know of any practice on the joysticks?

Question that tripped me up: If train A takes off from location A to B at 45 minutes, how fast does he need to go in order to make it there in 30 minutes?

What creates wind vortices?

What plane is best for a tank on the ground?

Any advice is great!


Pilot Wannabe
Hey everyone,

Took the test and didn't do as hot as I hope, got a 38 4-4-4

UAV part really got me, and I studied the flashcards but some questions UAV locations really screwed me up. I wish I could've seen what I did bad at in the OAR part.

The flight controlling part was also difficult, anyone know of any practice on the joysticks?

Question that tripped me up: If train A takes off from location A to B at 45 minutes, how fast does he need to go in order to make it there in 30 minutes?

What creates wind vortices?

What plane is best for a tank on the ground?

Any advice is great!

For the UAV: I have been practicing the UAV trick once a day and timing myself always go accuracy first rather than speed, I would just practice over and over.

For practicing with the joystick you can buy one on amazon from thrust master for not to bad of a price. Practicing flight SIMS will help. If you can not afford the joystick then perhaps try playing FPS games with inverted controls. You can get Aim Lab on steam for free to practice target tracking.

For the train question your formula will be RT=RT (R being the rate or speed) and (T being the time) So just replace what variables you have with the appropriate numbers, and for what is left use X, then just solve the formula like a regular algebra problem.

What creates wind vortices? are you referring wing tip vortices? then this may be helpful; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wingtip_vortices
Also the the FAA handbook will be a good resource.

The A10 would probably be the answer for what plane would be the best for a tank on the ground.

Hope that helps :)


Active Member
Hey everyone,

Took the test and didn't do as hot as I hope, got a 38 4-4-4

UAV part really got me, and I studied the flashcards but some questions UAV locations really screwed me up. I wish I could've seen what I did bad at in the OAR part.

The flight controlling part was also difficult, anyone know of any practice on the joysticks?

Question that tripped me up: If train A takes off from location A to B at 45 minutes, how fast does he need to go in order to make it there in 30 minutes?

What creates wind vortices?

What plane is best for a tank on the ground?

Any advice is great!
Don’t reschedule the test again. Many people who have had successful scores have written previously of their study guides and start there. Also, I recommend tutoring on how to take military aptitude tests. I’d start with kieno Thomas. You can find him on YouTube. He has a way to contact him on his videos. Good luck


Active Member
For the UAV: I have been practicing the UAV trick once a day and timing myself always go accuracy first rather than speed, I would just practice over and over.

For practicing with the joystick you can buy one on amazon from thrust master for not to bad of a price. Practicing flight SIMS will help. If you can not afford the joystick then perhaps try playing FPS games with inverted controls. You can get Aim Lab on steam for free to practice target tracking.

For the train question your formula will be RT=RT (R being the rate or speed) and (T being the time) So just replace what variables you have with the appropriate numbers, and for what is left use X, then just solve the formula like a regular algebra problem.

What creates wind vortices? are you referring wing tip vortices? then this may be helpful; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wingtip_vortices
Also the the FAA handbook will be a good resource.

The A10 would probably be the answer for what plane would be the best for a tank on the ground.

Hope that helps :)
Youve taken tutoring with kieno huh?


Well-Known Member
Two question I encountered during my test back in February, I will retake mine this upcoming May 1st Friday

Tim was sitting in the middle of a large, rotating merry go round. As it was still rotating, he decided to crawl toward the outer edge. What happened to the rotational speed of the merry go round?
A: it decreased
B: it increased
C: it stayed the same

Carol spent 30% of her savings on a stereo and 20% less than she spent on the stereo for a television. What percent of her savings did she spend on the stereo and television?
A: 36%
B: 46%
C: 50%
D 54%