Took the OAR this morning and scored a 73.
Math was the easiest section. The 2 problems that took the most time were along the lines of 4 guys can build a wall in 10 hrs, what time do they complete the wall if a new guy is added every hour. Make sure you understand fraction exponents. No logs on my test. Kyle's google drive is all you need to prepare for it.
Reading comp felt the hardest since a lot of the answers seem very similar and sometimes they all seem wrong. The passages are also very dry and dense. I had a mix of navy regulation passages, physics-type passages, and dumb easy passages. One question was about light and wavelengths so having prior knowledge on this helped but that's more luck than preparation. I recommend reading navy regulations and physics textbooks to prepare for this if you have the time. This is the least important to study for since it really comes down to logical reasoning and eliminating bad answers.
Mechanical was the hardest and I had to go with my gut (educated guess) on a few of them. Some easy ones were pulleys and mechanical advantage. No tool recognition questions. One question showed waves and asked if a bullet was traveling faster than the speed of sound or slower or at the speed of sound. There was one question where I had absolutely no idea what to answer and I don't remember enough to say it here.
EDIT: by the way the whole time I felt like I was doing horribly and going too slow but i finished each section with a little time to spare so just keep calm and don't rush but also don't spend too long on a problem you know you don't know.
Hello, My name is Charmie and took my OAR twice already. I took it first time and scored 39, I took it on my second try yesterday and scored lowe at 34. I am in desperate for help and guidance . It is my last chance on taking it and would not qualify for officers if not.