I have been on the hush since i got on air warriors.
I took the astb-e today for the second time scoring 50 5/5/4 (first time being 55 3/3/3). I studied Kyles guide and the ancillary pdfs and docs and i was disappointed knowing my OAR dropped from a minimum requirement for SWO. I am trying to have both scores to be able to have options between SWO or NFO. I put so much effort this time around that my expectations hurt my ego bad. After today I just have to put even more effort.
Third is the charm right? if yall get any links or docs that will help out. shoot me a message, itd be greatly appreciated.
know probability, i saw a question where 50 male and 50 females are asked on preference of car or truck. then of those 50 (100 total) what brand they would choose from, ford or chevy. then asked what the probability was of choosing, at random, a female who liked trucks AND a male who would chose chevy.
got a lot of D=RT. functions. mostly algebra. got no log or matrices (should still have it around)
dryer than a biscuit. have some time set aside to read an informative book. not a novel. be able to understand the information from the dense info.
know springs, question where a weight is hoisted from 2 parallel springs (for a total of 4 springs, 2 springs in series connected to the weight) and asked how much force do the springs carry. it was 100lb weight, i chose 25lbs but afterwards realized the weight would be equally distributed and both "series springs" would be carrying 50lbs each.
understand boyle and charles law. if a hot airballon is going up in altitude and want to maintain the volume constant what do you do? i chose to but less air into the ballon. as the ballon rises, you will have less atmospheric pressure acting on the surface of the hot air ballon, thus allowing it to grow in size while it rises in altitude. kind of counterintuitive (that what i thought was the right answer) other options were add more air or do nothing.
KNOW HOW TO CONVERT RADIAN TO DEGREES. Got a question: (7xPI / 4) is what in degrees. I recall the conversion was degrees=180/pi . i got an answer of 315 degrees. (trial an error and basic knowledge of trig.
two barrels added in to pool of water one is hot the other is cold which will float, float higher.
question about angular momentum of ice skater when the arms are brought it, faster, slower or the same angular momemtum.
know about ventri tube, bernoullis principles, pulleys, gears their mechanical advantage and levers. you should know the basic foundation to phyics and yall be fine.
also had a good amount of questions on calculations of dropping an object its acceleration compared to one being thrown (the same acceleration is what i chose). if a rock was dropped ffrom your hand what the average speed would be before the 1st second ( less than 9.81m/s, what i chose).
a rocket was launched straight up at a net acceleration of 30m/s and after 3 seconds it began to lose accelration at the same rate (10m/s) for 2 or 3 second, what was the total vertical distance, options were 30m, 60m, 90m. ( i guessed 60, if you have an answer please shoot me a correction). another was dropping an item for 5 seconds how fast or far had it traveled. given in ft/s (know the two 9.81,/s or 32ft/s)
honestly it was simpler but better to be prepared, go through files on kyles guides under the aviation and nautical info. and hit those study guides and flashcards hard. i know almost 90% of the trivial questions ( yet not enough to pass

ummm. uav work on the flashcards and know your heading a simple compass with degrees written out on the heading were enough to get the job done. i could have been faster, averaged 3.4 to 4secs per answer and got 2 wrong out of the 48ish questions. they go by fast so prepare by putting yourseld under the same duress.
joystick and throttle with dichotic listening, sheesh. easier than the first time but not a walk in the park. will be gettting a joystick throttle comb, becuase the inverted joystick messes you up big time. i got it down to far at the end. dichotic is hard but simple practice and attentiveness to that "BITE" before the number makes a difference. i caught a mistake in my notes and definintely relfected on my scores.
Hope this helps anyone, and everyone looking for some guidance.
feel free to shoot me any info you got that is valuable, to any extent. im not about to give up for the 3rd and final attempt!!