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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


Well-Known Member
How do I ensure that I'm getting the most out of my studying?
that's a very vague question, and the answer will vary from person to person. are you weak in a particular area? if so focus on that. there should be practice tests floating around here or on the internet. time yourself going through sections to make sure you're getting questions right and at a decent pace. also, your study schedule will differ if you are taking the full ASTB vs just the OAR so plan accordingly.


AW Deity and aspiring Aviator
Awesome scores man! Can you tell me what you studied to get such a high score? Im taking the ASTB again on Nov 19 and anything to increase my score would help

So during my OAR portion I was taking the test during a Marine Pt session and I choked. For The ASTB I used the compass trick for the UAV and created a load of notecards to test myself. I recommend using one hand for the compass and the other for the mouse. I had an avg of 2-3 seconds per question. Aviation and Nautical used a load of test prep books. Can not say which was the best... For the controls I bought the microsoft control set and set a large deadzone (you should know taking the test).


New Member
Awesome scores man! Can you tell me what you studied to get such a high score? Im taking the ASTB again on Nov 19 and anything to increase my score would help

Things I did, in no particular order:
Use the compass trick for the drone section. On the emergency response, write down the procedures. I wrote mine in shorthand, since you are graded on accuarcy and time. One myth that I heard (this is a myth, so please correct if I am off) is that during the emergency, you are not graded on following the targets. On the dichotic listening (both standalone and during tracking) tilt your head towards the targeted ear. As for academics: understand the basics of flight-lift, drag, gravity, velocity; plane anatomy. Distance/time math is a must. There are a million and one resources to study for the ANIT, that would be a great starting point. I invested and bought a HOTAS stick and throttle and used DCS World to help with the tracking.

I hope some of these help!


Active Member
Hey y'all, went in for a re-test for the ASTB today. Long story short, I was unable to re-test due to an issue with the system I suppose... Anyone ever heard anything like this?
OR told my friend that the system to take the ASTB is down. Said there was an email circulating. Where did you try to take the test at?
Hmm, really? Well I was IN the system, just was unable to start the test.. Not sure if this was due to the system "being down". I am station in Sigonella, Sicily. Italy.. I attempted the retake here this morning.

OAR/ASTB Proctor/Administrator here. APEX (the program used to administer the exam) goes down at least once per month for maintenance. I'll shoot a message to the CSM to see if providing the exact dates is UNCLASS, and if it is, I'll post here w/ the dates that its down every month.
Additionally, inclement weather can cause enough of an impact that trouble w/ connectivity can arise. Especially Hurricanes. And seeing as how this is 2020, and we've had 12 hurricanes (5 of which were Cat 3+) for a total of 28 total Storms/Tropical activity, it's a wonder its been this consistently reliable.

The folks down in Pcola do a fantastic job with responding quickly to calls for assistance. Out of the 5+ time's I've had issues starting up an exam, I've been able to get a hold of them/they call me back within 5 minutes of me reaching out - and I'm in a -4/5 hour time difference as well. Though, calling from Sigonella, not sure how that would work out. Anyways, once I get an answer, I'll see if I can post the dates where APEX is down for scheduled maintenance. Your proctors/administrators should be tracking as well, but it doesn't hurt for you to know either - 1 extra layer of defense.

Shameless Plug/Edit: If any Aviators are still watching/monitoring this thread, and know of any OAR/ASTB Proctors that are stationed in Oahu, can you send me a message? As far as I - and the guys running APEX - are aware, there are only 2 proctors on the entire island servicing active duty Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy and Coast Guard personnel. The Navy Recruiter does not proctor for active duty, so it's myself and another JO in my command trying to cover down for all the shore commands, and the smattering of folks trying to squeeze in an exam between deployments. Any additional proctors would be a huge help.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
OAR/ASTB Proctor/Administrator here. APEX (the program used to administer the exam) goes down at least once per month for maintenance. I'll shoot a message to the CSM to see if providing the exact dates is UNCLASS, and if it is, I'll post here w/ the dates that its down every month.
Additionally, inclement weather can cause enough of an impact that trouble w/ connectivity can arise. Especially Hurricanes. And seeing as how this is 2020, and we've had 12 hurricanes (5 of which were Cat 3+) for a total of 28 total Storms/Tropical activity, it's a wonder its been this consistently reliable.

The folks down in Pcola do a fantastic job with responding quickly to calls for assistance. Out of the 5+ time's I've had issues starting up an exam, I've been able to get a hold of them/they call me back within 5 minutes of me reaching out - and I'm in a -4/5 hour time difference as well. Though, calling from Sigonella, not sure how that would work out. Anyways, once I get an answer, I'll see if I can post the dates where APEX is down for scheduled maintenance. Your proctors/administrators should be tracking as well, but it doesn't hurt for you to know either - 1 extra layer of defense.

Shameless Plug/Edit: If any Aviators are still watching/monitoring this thread, and know of any OAR/ASTB Proctors that are stationed in Oahu, can you send me a message? As far as I - and the guys running APEX - are aware, there are only 2 proctors on the entire island servicing active duty Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy and Coast Guard personnel. The Navy Recruiter does not proctor for active duty, so it's myself and another JO in my command trying to cover down for all the shore commands, and the smattering of folks trying to squeeze in an exam between deployments. Any additional proctors would be a huge help.
Hawaii is the forgotten state when it comes to officer recruiting, it was like that for both of my recruiting tours.


AW Deity and aspiring Aviator
OAR/ASTB Proctor/Administrator here. APEX (the program used to administer the exam) goes down at least once per month for maintenance. I'll shoot a message to the CSM to see if providing the exact dates is UNCLASS, and if it is, I'll post here w/ the dates that its down every month.
Additionally, inclement weather can cause enough of an impact that trouble w/ connectivity can arise. Especially Hurricanes. And seeing as how this is 2020, and we've had 12 hurricanes (5 of which were Cat 3+) for a total of 28 total Storms/Tropical activity, it's a wonder its been this consistently reliable.

The folks down in Pcola do a fantastic job with responding quickly to calls for assistance. Out of the 5+ time's I've had issues starting up an exam, I've been able to get a hold of them/they call me back within 5 minutes of me reaching out - and I'm in a -4/5 hour time difference as well. Though, calling from Sigonella, not sure how that would work out. Anyways, once I get an answer, I'll see if I can post the dates where APEX is down for scheduled maintenance. Your proctors/administrators should be tracking as well, but it doesn't hurt for you to know either - 1 extra layer of defense.

Shameless Plug/Edit: If any Aviators are still watching/monitoring this thread, and know of any OAR/ASTB Proctors that are stationed in Oahu, can you send me a message? As far as I - and the guys running APEX - are aware, there are only 2 proctors on the entire island servicing active duty Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy and Coast Guard personnel. The Navy Recruiter does not proctor for active duty, so it's myself and another JO in my command trying to cover down for all the shore commands, and the smattering of folks trying to squeeze in an exam between deployments. Any additional proctors would be a huge help.

Really appreciate the update. It is better to know how things work. I am in the hurry up and wait stage for the next boards. Hoping I never have to take that test again lol


Prior Air Force
Degree: 1.Finance 2. Aviation Technology
GPA: 3.6
LOR's: Famous CAS AF Pilot, Honor Guard Manager, School President

Really happy to be able to say this, long term stalker. I've made huge leaps with the posts of this forum.
I originally scored a 33 3/4/3 first try so not even close to what I needed. Recently scored a 54 7/7/7, yes the final!!!

Things I want others to know, you can study as much as you want but if you don't feel confident you're not going to go into the test with the attitude you need.

I studied the Kyle ASTB guide religiously, watched khan academy Physics and mathematics. Read Naval History through the gauge and through netflix videos on the wars.

Please, take this serious and study as if your life depended on it. I wouldn't of passed if it weren't for this forum.

START* on pg. 230 and keep it moving! Write everything you need to study down. Good luck to everyone.

God Bless.


New Member
I’ve got 6 ASTBE study guides/math practice books that I want to give to someone who will use them. All purchased in 2019 and up to date. Does anyone know if there is an appropriate place to offer them up on this website?


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New Member
I’ve got 6 ASTBE study guides/math practice books that I want to give to someone who will use them. All purchased in 2019 and up to date. Does anyone know if there is an appropriate place to offer them up on this website?
Please let me know where these will be posted !
took my 2nd round of astb and didnt do as hot as i anticipated. ANYTHING will help


New Member
Prior Air Force
Degree: 1.Finance 2. Aviation Technology
GPA: 3.6
LOR's: Famous CAS AF Pilot, Honor Guard Manager, School President

Really happy to be able to say this, long term stalker. I've made huge leaps with the posts of this forum.
I originally scored a 33 3/4/3 first try so not even close to what I needed. Recently scored a 54 7/7/7, yes the final!!!

Things I want others to know, you can study as much as you want but if you don't feel confident you're not going to go into the test with the attitude you need.

I studied the Kyle ASTB guide religiously, watched khan academy Physics and mathematics. Read Naval History through the gauge and through netflix videos on the wars.

Please, take this serious and study as if your life depended on it. I wouldn't of passed if it weren't for this forum.

START* on pg. 230 and keep it moving! Write everything you need to study down. Good luck to everyone.

God Bless.
Congratulations on being selected!

Would you say anything before 230 is outdated??
i have been lurking for some time now but have been strictly on Kyles guide from google docs.
Took my 2nd round of astb and came out further than my first but improved on the astb part but not satisfactory.


New Member
I have been on the hush since i got on air warriors.
I took the astb-e today for the second time scoring 50 5/5/4 (first time being 55 3/3/3). I studied Kyles guide and the ancillary pdfs and docs and i was disappointed knowing my OAR dropped from a minimum requirement for SWO. I am trying to have both scores to be able to have options between SWO or NFO. I put so much effort this time around that my expectations hurt my ego bad. After today I just have to put even more effort.
Third is the charm right? if yall get any links or docs that will help out. shoot me a message, itd be greatly appreciated.

know probability, i saw a question where 50 male and 50 females are asked on preference of car or truck. then of those 50 (100 total) what brand they would choose from, ford or chevy. then asked what the probability was of choosing, at random, a female who liked trucks AND a male who would chose chevy.
got a lot of D=RT. functions. mostly algebra. got no log or matrices (should still have it around)

dryer than a biscuit. have some time set aside to read an informative book. not a novel. be able to understand the information from the dense info.

know springs, question where a weight is hoisted from 2 parallel springs (for a total of 4 springs, 2 springs in series connected to the weight) and asked how much force do the springs carry. it was 100lb weight, i chose 25lbs but afterwards realized the weight would be equally distributed and both "series springs" would be carrying 50lbs each.
understand boyle and charles law. if a hot airballon is going up in altitude and want to maintain the volume constant what do you do? i chose to but less air into the ballon. as the ballon rises, you will have less atmospheric pressure acting on the surface of the hot air ballon, thus allowing it to grow in size while it rises in altitude. kind of counterintuitive (that what i thought was the right answer) other options were add more air or do nothing.
KNOW HOW TO CONVERT RADIAN TO DEGREES. Got a question: (7xPI / 4) is what in degrees. I recall the conversion was degrees=180/pi . i got an answer of 315 degrees. (trial an error and basic knowledge of trig.
two barrels added in to pool of water one is hot the other is cold which will float, float higher.
question about angular momentum of ice skater when the arms are brought it, faster, slower or the same angular momemtum.
know about ventri tube, bernoullis principles, pulleys, gears their mechanical advantage and levers. you should know the basic foundation to phyics and yall be fine.
also had a good amount of questions on calculations of dropping an object its acceleration compared to one being thrown (the same acceleration is what i chose). if a rock was dropped ffrom your hand what the average speed would be before the 1st second ( less than 9.81m/s, what i chose).
a rocket was launched straight up at a net acceleration of 30m/s and after 3 seconds it began to lose accelration at the same rate (10m/s) for 2 or 3 second, what was the total vertical distance, options were 30m, 60m, 90m. ( i guessed 60, if you have an answer please shoot me a correction). another was dropping an item for 5 seconds how fast or far had it traveled. given in ft/s (know the two 9.81,/s or 32ft/s)

honestly it was simpler but better to be prepared, go through files on kyles guides under the aviation and nautical info. and hit those study guides and flashcards hard. i know almost 90% of the trivial questions ( yet not enough to pass :( )

ummm. uav work on the flashcards and know your heading a simple compass with degrees written out on the heading were enough to get the job done. i could have been faster, averaged 3.4 to 4secs per answer and got 2 wrong out of the 48ish questions. they go by fast so prepare by putting yourseld under the same duress.

joystick and throttle with dichotic listening, sheesh. easier than the first time but not a walk in the park. will be gettting a joystick throttle comb, becuase the inverted joystick messes you up big time. i got it down to far at the end. dichotic is hard but simple practice and attentiveness to that "BITE" before the number makes a difference. i caught a mistake in my notes and definintely relfected on my scores.

Hope this helps anyone, and everyone looking for some guidance.
feel free to shoot me any info you got that is valuable, to any extent. im not about to give up for the 3rd and final attempt!!



New Member
First time posting on this thread. I just took the ASTB for the first time on Saturday scoring a 52 5/6/6. My recruiter believes I should take it one more time before submitting my packet to the board in February (going for Pilot slot). I feel confident that I can improve my scores all around (and will most likely take it again), however, in the case I did worse, would my most recent score make me a competitive candidate? I had a GPA of 3.4 in Exercise Science and have solid references/statements. Does anyone have any insight on this? Also, feel free to ask me any questions about any of the sections, since it is still pretty fresh in my mind.


AW Deity and aspiring Aviator
First time posting on this thread. I just took the ASTB for the first time on Saturday scoring a 52 5/6/6. My recruiter believes I should take it one more time before submitting my packet to the board in February (going for Pilot slot). I feel confident that I can improve my scores all around (and will most likely take it again), however, in the case I did worse, would my most recent score make me a competitive candidate? I had a GPA of 3.4 in Exercise Science and have solid references/statements. Does anyone have any insight on this? Also, feel free to ask me any questions about any of the sections, since it is still pretty fresh in my mind.

1.) Next SNA/NFO boards is going to be 25 Jan with a app deadline of 11 DEC. After that the next is an 23 APR boards.
2.) You must wait until the 31st day to retake the ASTB.
3.) Most recent score is the only one counted better/worse.

Good luck with the studies. Plenty of information on AW if you do some digging!