Aviation Supplemental Test
This section is just made up of a variety of questions from each of the preceding five subtests
The scores from the six sections are combined in some manner to produce four scores:
AQR: Academic Qualification Rating, scored 1-9
PFAR: Pilot Flight Aptitude Rating, scored 1-9
FOFAR: Flight Officer Flight Aptitude Rating, scored 1-9
OAR: Officer Aptitude Rating, scored 20-80
The scores that matter for aviation programs are the AQR, and PFAR or FOFAR, depending if you are applying for pilot or flight officer programs. These scores are derived from your performance on all six sections. AQR and FOFAR is biased towards the Math Skills Test; PFAR towards the ANIT and SAT sections. The minimum score as of Spring 2005 is a 4/6 for Marine Corps, but that can change at any time; your OSO will have current information. For Marine Corps purposes, my observation is that the test is essentially pass/fail for purposes of selection for OCS - the rest of your package will determine your selection to OCS, but it's not so competitive that they're comparing ASTB scores. As of Spring 2005, one-point waivers were fairly common.
For non-aviation Naval applicants, the only score that matters is the OAR, derived from the first three section of the exam (highlighted in blue). You will only take those three sections and receive your OAR score.