Thought I’d throw up the stats to see where I fall for SNA.
- ASTB: 48 7/7/7 (first try)
- GPA: 3.4
- Degree: Economics and Finance (dual major)
- References: AF Lt Col (ret) Pilot
AF Lt Col (ret) Pilot
Navy Lt Student Naval Aviator
- Flight Instructor (Director of flight ops)
- Current Job: Working for a defense company in their aerospace sector as a financial analyst
- Currently have a PPL with around 90 logged hours.
- No prior service.
With that being said, I know the OAR score is a bit low. I’ve heard a lot of back and forth how the OAR is the ticket into OCS. I’ve also heard that with straight 7’s it’s pretty 50/50 and can go both ways. Hoping my PPL, references, and current job give me a leg up.
When it came to studying, I’ll echo what everyone else has been saying... Kyle’s study guide. The math did catch me a little off guard since it did feel more difficult than the 114 practice questions.
Looking for some feedback!
Thanks in advance.