Didn’t study, didn’t realize there was a test.
Walked in got the score I needed.
Seemed like a fair test*. Basic concepts/theories. If you’ve been working with any of the concepts (in an applied sense or theoretical) shouldn’t stress too much. Seems to test exposure to the concepts more than outright abilities.
For example many of the multiple choice questions are simplified in the sense that you don’t have to fully evaluate for a correct answer.
Therefore if you know the concept, you can narrow down the correct answer to one of two pretty easily and use instinct after that. In someways my experience with the OAR seemed to be a test of whether or not I knew how to take tests…
If you grew up eating General Mills cereals and played the “games” on the back of the boxes you’ll be fine.
Good luck.
*compared to my experience with other govt tests, oldies (old test) and foreign military assessments.