Those are great scores. Really good.
At what point at MEPS did they ask you about alcohol? I don't remember any questions when I went, did you volunteer this information?
Thought I would throw this question out there. I have been studying non stop before my test date arrives and I am trying to know the ins and outs of every type of mechanical equation. Borrowed from the Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Test.
I just took the test this morning in LA and got a 7/7/9 60. How's the score? The officer's at the recruiting district said it was really good. Any opinions?
Not to say your wrong AlexSmart but I took form 4 and that definitely in my opinion needs some more mechanical and aviation study than is just in gouges here... Form 4 was quite difficult. I'm believe earlier in this thread someone said they took 3 and got pretty good scores. Everything on here is of great help but just my recommendation that you get more mechanical and aviation study if you get form 4. Good luck to everyone!
A couple questions:
Do they give you the formulas on the mechanical section?
Do you get a calculator with basic functions?
Is the only kind of question on the reading section short paragraphs with comprehension questions?
If I'm pretty smart yet have never taken a physics course can I still do well on the mechanical section with a decent amount of studying?
Is time an issue for most people?
(only have to take the OAR sections)