Diamond, I took form 5 as well. I remember coming across the 1950s bomber question and being like "?????", so I can't help you there. But I can verify the previous poster with the AIM-9 designation for the sidewinder, and the A-10 for ground attacks.
The warthog is such a cool plane.....gotta love that 50 cal gatlin gun.....
Took form 4 and scored 52 6/6/7. Pretty disappointed in my OAR.
The warthog is such a cool plane.....gotta love that 50 cal gatlin gun.....
And I am pretty sure the answer for the 50's bomber question was the B-29. The only one I saw that made sense...
Hey guys I am taking the ASTB coming up in the next few weeks and I am just about ready to rock and roll! However, I am working out of the ARCO books and in the mechanical comprehension section there seems to be a pretty fair share of electronic component questions (current, circuit types, symbols, etc...) Any suggestions on gouge for this material?? It is not covered in any of the study guides I have and it seems to be just assumed knowledge but it might as well be mandarin to me! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I took the ASTB (OAR only) on the 17th of June and made a 52 (which I am satisfied with because of the short length of time I had to study for it.) For the most part, it was easier than a lot of the practice tests I took. The reading was a little more in depth and sometimes a little harder than the practice questions I looked at and the mechanical is what I believe brought my score down because some of the stuff I had never seen before. I finished all tests with some time left. Math was easier than I expected. I suggest studying all the stuff on this web site (and http://www.navygouge.com/) plus the Barons study guide. Everything that was on the test can be found using these resources.
One thing I was confused about before the test was what exactly was on the reading section (because some study materials I looked at had synonyms/antonyms/sentence correction) and if anyone else feels the same way, its only paragraph comprehension.
The test is still fresh on my mind so if anyone has any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them.