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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


New Member
make sure you know everything there is to know about pulleys/levers/mechanical advantage. Seriously this is where I struggled as well. If you knock out the math/mechanical section you'll be gold

Alright, will definitely look those over some. Thanks for the heads up. If there's anything else you can think of please feel free to share haha.

Taking it for the third and final time on monday, fingers crossed!


Just took the ASTB. Pretty sure I had Form 5: 5/5/4 50. Not happy with my scores, but my OR said my OAR was good. He said I don't qualify for NFO, but TBH, since the semester began, I've been doing more research into Supply and I feel like it would be a better fit for me anyway, so I'm aiming for Supply instead of aviation. He said my scores were competitive for supply. Not sure if I agree with him, but he is the recruiter, so I should just trust him and I guess if I get non select, then retest.

Studied hard for a month and used all the gouge found. Thanks to everyone for posting your gouge. For now, I'm not retesting. Considering I had Form 5 (which I've heard is most likely the hardest) I'm not too too upset about my score. Still wish I had broken 60 but whatever.

Solid scores, and the good news is if you have to retake you'll most likely get an easier form. Also, my apologies for referring to you as man previously, haha.


Active Member
Haha thanks and no worries! A lot of people assume I'm a dude and I dot blame them. This is a pretty male-dominates forum and my username isn't exactly girly haha. And you're right about the ASTB. if I end up retaking it I'll probably get a less difficult form but I'll still study my butt off to do better... If I end up retaking that is.


Haha thanks and no worries! A lot of people assume I'm a dude and I dot blame them. This is a pretty male-dominates forum and my username isn't exactly girly haha. And you're right about the ASTB. if I end up retaking it I'll probably get a less difficult form but I'll still study my butt off to do better... If I end up retaking that is.

Yeah, I forget which form I had now, 3 maybe? But it was VERY aviation/nautical knowledge intensive and light on the math/mechanical which favored me a ton, and I'm sure would do the same for you given how much you've studied.


A lot of people say form 3 is the easiest? How was the OAR for form 3?

Most of the reading was easy for me, I finished it early and had time to go back over all my questions. I thought the math was pretty easy as well with the exception of a few questions that just took me a while to wrap my head around-time became an issue there. Mechanical comprehension is I think where I lost the majority of my points, it was a combination of not fully understanding everything I should have and mismanaging time. In hindsight I wish I had done more practice tests just to get a better feel for pacing and completing questions in a more timely manner. I ended up with a 60 OAR but I feel like it could have been a bit higher if I had studied the mechanical more thoroughly.
I just took my ASTB. This is one of my first posts. I got a 62 8/8/9. I was hoping for a higher OAR but my recruiter said mine will be fine. I studied quite a bit. I used all of the gouge here in addition to a lot of AFOQT stuff as I have also taken that. I also took it shortly after studying for my GMAT. I would say out of everything the GMAT prepared me the best because the level of difficulty on those questions I found to be much more difficult than the ones found in the ASTB. I also have a private pilot certificate which I am sure helped some on the aviation portions but most of that stuff is pretty basic and everything in Articpays guide would have been sufficient regarding aviation knowledge. Thanks for all of the help on here everyone.


New Member
quick question guys, If i am satisfied with My Oar can i just take the the last three portions geared towards aviation separate?
or is it a full package deal having to take all 6 sections.


New Member
quick question guys, If i am satisfied with My Oar can i just take the the last three portions geared towards aviation separate?
or is it a full package deal having to take all 6 sections.


New Member
Yeah, I forget which form I had now, 3 maybe? But it was VERY aviation/nautical knowledge intensive and light on the math/mechanical which favored me a ton, and I'm sure would do the same for you given how much you've studied.

I can vouch for the aviation load. The Aviation/Nautical and Aviation Supplemental sections were about 60% and 90% aviation respectively, with mostly new questions.

Does anyone have an idea about the amount of aviation or nautical info in forms 4 & 5?


New Member
ASTB Questions

Hey Everybody,

Sorry I couldn't find these answers in the ASTB thread....so many pages! Figured I could get a quick response with a post. I'm taking the ASTB next week but I had a few questions on the computer based ASTB.

1) I've heard that the computer version of the ASTB will not allow you to skip questions and come back to them before you finish a section. Is this true? A very useful test strategy is skipping questions you're not sure of and doing them later if you have time remaining.

2) For the reading section, are you able to reference the paragraph while answering questions or do they expect you to remember what you read.

3) Do any recruiting districts still give the written exam or has everyone gone with the computer version.

4) Just out of curiosity, for the spatial apperception section, are they using the image of the F-18 or the older Corsair... or is it random?

Thanks so much for the help!


Active Member
Hey Everybody,

Sorry I couldn't find these answers in the ASTB thread....so many pages! Figured I could get a quick response with a post. I'm taking the ASTB next week but I had a few questions on the computer based ASTB.

1) I've heard that the computer version of the ASTB will not allow you to skip questions and come back to them before you finish a section. Is this true? A very useful test strategy is skipping questions you're not sure of and doing them later if you have time remaining.

2) For the reading section, are you able to reference the paragraph while answering questions or do they expect you to remember what you read.

3) Do any recruiting districts still give the written exam or has everyone gone with the computer version.

4) Just out of curiosity, for the spatial apperception section, are they using the image of the F-18 or the older Corsair... or is it random?

Thanks so much for the help!

1) That's false. When I took it, there was a line at the bottom with all the question numbers. You could click on any number and skip around and do any question you wanted. Or you could use the arrows and go in order. Point is, you can skip if you're stuck.

2) Yes, you can reference it. The paragraph is always right above the answer choices.

3) Some places still have the written and I'm not sure but I believe you can request the written form if you want.

4) I actually don't remember. Does it really matter? I wanna say there was a mix, but I just can't remember.