Thanks!! here are my stats
Hey thanks guys for your info.. Yeah if I don't get selected on this board then I just have to find some different way to study for the ASTB, since it looks like I have all the materials necessary to get a higher score... Also here are my stats that I submit
University of North Dakota
3.62 GPA
BSA Commerical Avaition
BBA Avaition Management
48 6/7/6 ASTB
8 excellent LORs - Ret. Col. (USAF), Ret. Warrent Officer (US Army), Old Instructor (Now Pinnacle First Officer), 5 employers (some of the jobs was working with military)
400+ Hrs, CFI/II & MEI, Instructor for 2 years at UND
Lots of Academic Awards and honors, Lots of leadership experience with college activities and other internships done throughout the years
Done with PFT, and staying fit for MECEPS
Applying for OCS SNA