I need advice... and here is the story. I was prorec bdcp sna back in october but was dq'd for my vision because they eliminated the SCL waiver (at the time). So i got prk on Jan 26 and just had my 3 mo. post op April 27th. I was told that I would have to completely reapply and that it was going to take a while. My recruiter, in trying to find out exactly what I had to do to reapply, talked to headquarters (whoever that is) and they said that someone dropped out of the May 19th OCS and that if I could get my medical paperwork in then I wouldn't have to reboard. Long story short... in a matter of two days I got recommended for the waiver and should hear back today on the final select. My concern is I haven't had time to keep up physically being my last semester was VERY busy with work and school. I spoke with my recruiter and voiced my concerns with not being physically and mentally ready in only 1 week. He is going to find out if anyone dropped out of a june or july class but that may not be the case. If so, do you think that I would be able to prepare for OCS in that short amount of time? I don't want to get there and struggle because I only had a week to prepare. For reference... I haven't done PT in probably 5-6 months and could easily make a "satisfactory medium" on the pushups and curlups... running and swimming is another story though. I'm sure I could run the 1.5 miles in under 13, but I haven't swam laps in years. not to mention the mental prep/financial prep/x-c drive/etc. what do I do?!?!?!