ProRec-Y for SNA !
ProRec-Y for SNA !
Prorec N SNA. What the hell
Ya, that's cray, your stats are dank. Sounds like the "whole picture" was involved here, vice ASTB/GPA.
My recruiter sent me the whole list of SNA selects and those tabled, I am not sure if I am allowed to post it here but if you message me I can tell you if I see your name
If your goal is to fly I'd apply for the Air Force and Marine Corps tooWho knows. I sure do fee like shit though.
....Go Air ForceWho knows. I sure do fee like shit though.
I didn't get officer (my goal was just officer, applied for supply and intel first go) and didn't get it the first boards. So I enlisted, went through boot camp and seven months of A-school. I got NFO but not pilot. It does suck that you didn't get it as your scores surely do deserve it. However, don't give up and you I can almost guarantee you'll find yourself where you want to be soon enough. Keep at the grind and don't give up!Who knows. I sure do fee like shit though.
Congratulations to all that were selected. I am Pro Rec N for SNA. Pretty bummed but it is what it is. I was selected for NFO even though I was not aware my recruiter listed it as a second choice. I understand what a great opportunity NFO would be, but have decided to turn it down as it is still my dream to go SNA and my plan was always to re-apply had I not been selected. Does anyone know if I can re-submit to the next board, or is there a waiting period? Any advice is appreciated.
My wife and I have some close friends who are a pilot/NFO pair. We were cautioned that if we turned anything down the chances of getting in next time were slim at best. Someone previously mentioned changing later on, that would probably be the path I took if I were in your position.
Well regardless, congratulations everyone. I plan on reapplying asap. If turning down NFO hurts my chances, then so be it. I never wanted it in the first place. Personally, I'd prefer to PIC Cessna 150's for the rest of my life than sign for 10 years knowing I'll never fly a fixed/rotary wing aircraft for the Navy. Wish everyone the best at OCS, I'm gonna go flying now to try and bring my spirits up.
....Go Air ForceScores like that should have gotten you a slot no doubt....something's wrong here big time...You have these other selects with 2.8 GPA in Hamstring Stretching and lower scores, and they still get selected? nahhhhhh....If you really want to will not limit your options. Try Air Force, Marines, Army, Coast Guard...don't give up!
I have had people that turned down spots before get selected again, it was only for SNA, they had real good scores and were able to right a good letter why they turned down in the first place, not anything like "my girlfriend didn't want me to go" the better the scores the more is overlooked.