I'm official! 12Jan class for OCS just got my letter today!
Has anyone been looking for places to live when we head down to P'cola? I was told to look for somewhere between P'cola and Milton. Now of course that is contingent that I would go to Whiting Field following API... I am not sure how the process goes for where you go for follow on training. However, I am moving down there with my two pups and will need a house rather than staying the barracks. I would have no issue, but the wife just received orders as the #1 JAG on a ship and will be going to SD while I am in training, so the pups have to go with me... If anyone is interested in rooming up together, they are great dogs and have been well invested in with training and obedience by a trainer endorsed by Caesar Milan (Dog Whisperer). If anyone has some tips or places to suggestions that would be great
Yeah I was at Kings Mill Apartments, pretty nice place. Right down the street is Crestview at Oakleigh, and Governor's Gate is nearby too. I don't remember what the pet policy was at my place, but here's what their site says:Tycho-Broche, I read your thread on places to stay but it sounds like you are in an apartment. Would that be correct? I have a feeling it's going to be a struggle to find a place that will allow two dogs in a rental...
If anyone knows of a place that is accepting of pets (two golden-retrievers) please shoot me a message so I can get in contact with pet friendly places. As a homeowner I know the worries and I will be willing to put up a pet deposit if necessary.
Congrats John. No. Kingston, huh, seeing as how they they have a rep of accomodating OCs, perhaps they'll let you go home nights and weekends?I'm official! 12Jan class for OCS just got my letter today!