I've heard some of that too, but then again, those people probably came into joining the Navy with that idea already in mind. "I want to be a pilot and nothing else" or "I want to be an NFO and nothing else". I personally came into the recruiting office to join the Navy because I wanted to serve, period. I really had no knowledge coming in of what that would even look like.
SWO was my first and only choice, and obviously the one I wanted most because it was all that was listed on my application. I had my recruiter explain the different designators to me, and this is the one that aligned most with where I saw myself excelling. It was also good timing because the board was coming up within the next few months and it was one I'd be able to make the deadline for. My recruiter was a SWO, and he had nothing bad to say about it...I've also noticed most of the people who hate on SWO life aren't even SWOs. Lol. If that tells you anything.
Idk, I'm obviously new here and can't speak from experience. But planning to go into it with an open mind and make the best of whatever it is that's waiting for me out there...