A man's gotta eat
I went through MEPS Monday of last week and I had to get civilian blood pressure readings done to make sure I don't have high blood pressure (they took my BP right after I thought I failed depth perception, but I ended up finding out I passed with no errors to line F so my BP read high). I know I don't have high blood pressure. The blood pressure forms were submitted back to MEPS this past Monday so now I'm just waiting to get that cleared. I'm definitely going to be cutting it close with this board. I've already missed so many, but I've definitely learned patience in this whole process. We'll see how this next nine days goes.
I had a similar story. I went through MEPS with no problems though my blood pressure was borderline, right at 140/90. It was very unusual for me, as my pulse was still 54 and I have no history of high BP. However, I think the fact that I did not eat or drink the night before made me dehydrated and cause the blood pressure spike (plus all of the nervousness of being at MEPS). I had to go back and forth twice a day (for three days)to a small clinic near work and have sitting/standing BP taken. However, the Navy medical gods seem to be pleased with my sacrifice so I 'm good to go now.