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1st Class Cruises...Where are you going?

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getting salty...
All I know about my 1/C cruise is I'll be going surface. The unit XO made all the 1/C go on surface cruises. Yeah.....well, I'll stop there.
mules83 said:
All I know about my 1/C cruise is I'll be going surface. The unit XO made all the 1/C go on surface cruises. Yeah.....well, I'll stop there.

Wow, what's up with that? I thought the point of 1st class cruise was to make sure the community you are applying for in the fall is what you want. How is one supposed to determine that if they aren't even exposed to the community?

I'll be cruising with Tactical Communications Wing One out of Tinker AFB, OK. E-6B Mercury is the platform. Should be a good time. Hope to fly a lot.



Standing by for the RIF !
jai5w4 said:
Wow, what's up with that? I thought the point of 1st class cruise was to make sure the community you are applying for in the fall is what you want. How is one supposed to determine that if they aren't even exposed to the community?

I'll be cruising with Tactical Communications Wing One out of Tinker AFB, OK. E-6B Mercury is the platform. Should be a good time. Hope to fly a lot.


No you dork, that's not what First Class Cruise is about at ALL. Lol.

The whole point is to put you in an environment that exposes you to the day to day life of a junior officer - and to give you assignments commensurate with the duties that you about to undertake. It's about practical leadership and exposure to the life you are training for. It's NOT about getting a look at Air, Surface, or Sub and finding out "which is right for you.."

3rd Class cruise you saw life from the perspective of a young enlisted sailor. @nd class cruise you got exposure to air, surface, sub, marine life. First class cruise is like an officer apprenticeship. You're unit XO sending everyone to a surface ship is really not a bad idea at all....
ChuckMK23 said:
No you dork, that's not what First Class Cruise is about at ALL. Lol.

The whole point is to put you in an environment that exposes you to the day to day life of a junior officer - and to give you assignments commensurate with the duties that you about to undertake. It's about practical leadership and exposure to the life you are training for. It's NOT about getting a look at Air, Surface, or Sub and finding out "which is right for you.."

3rd Class cruise you saw life from the perspective of a young enlisted sailor. @nd class cruise you got exposure to air, surface, sub, marine life. First class cruise is like an officer apprenticeship. You're unit XO sending everyone to a surface ship is really not a bad idea at all....

I am a college programer..I pay for my college education and do NROTC b/c I want to be an officer after I graduate...so....I have gone on no cruises up until this point. I guess I will have to learn about a little bit of everything on the one cruise I get to go on this summer.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
jai, I know where you are coming from, I was a college programmer guy as well. The point is, CORTRAMID and 2nd class cruise aren't seen as necessary to get commissioned. You'll interact with and be treated as a junior officer. Honestly, it isn't that intense, but you will get a taste of what the ins and outs of being a J.O. is like. That's the primary goal of the cruise. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Those of you who got the aviation cruise: have you already finished the physiology part of the medical exam or have you just finished the physical? My unit hasn't scheduled appointments for us yet, and I'm wondering if that's why I haven't heard back about when and where I'm going yet.
zab1001 said:
jai, I know where you are coming from, I was a college programmer guy as well. The point is, CORTRAMID and 2nd class cruise aren't seen as necessary to get commissioned. You'll interact with and be treated as a junior officer. Honestly, it isn't that intense, but you will get a taste of what the ins and outs of being a J.O. is like. That's the primary goal of the cruise. Good luck.

Thanks, man. I am looking forward to it, should learn a lot.

Now, let's see if we can get back my original intentions for this post... Where are you soon-to-be 1st class Midies going for your summer cruise?

red_stang65 said:
Those of you who got the aviation cruise: have you already finished the physiology part of the medical exam or have you just finished the physical? My unit hasn't scheduled appointments for us yet, and I'm wondering if that's why I haven't heard back about when and where I'm going yet.

Yeah, dude. We went to Mirimar MCAS over spring break and got the necessary water survival and ejection seat training (physiology) we needed. We did the physical part last fall.

What unit are you with? And what phase were you planning on attending?


Well-Known Member
I'm at USD/SDSU and am shooting for second phase. I've had some interesting experiences in the past with my cruises...hope this doesn't shape up to be the same.
red_stang65 said:
I'm at USD/SDSU and am shooting for second phase. I've had some interesting experiences in the past with my cruises...hope this doesn't shape up to be the same.

Well, second phase works in your favor. And since you are so close to Mirimar MCAS in the first place that is probably why there hasn't been a rush on your physiology. It only took one day and like 5-6 hours, including pool time. I would still ask your office secretary about getting that squared away, though...at least she is the one that takes care of that kind of stuff at our unit.

What happened with your other cruises?



I gotta jump in here

A4sForever said:
O.K. .... that's it!!![/u][/size] I'm jumping in here now ....

One of my 1st Class NROTC "buds" got the 7th Fleet --- destroyers. No problem-o .... except that shortly after he got there --- "they" (either the USS Borie or the USS Epperson -- can't remember) got a hurry-up call to go to the ...... (***drum roll***) .....GUNLINE[/i][/b] :eek: ...... off Vietnam. No time to off-load the 2-3 Middies aboard. I think he did both South and North --- got some shootin' time and got a couple of ribbons as well. And as a Mid ..... supposedly, it will not happen.[/b]

There we were, assembled in our khakis at Travis AFB, checking in with the Midn Liaison Officer to find out which ships we were going to get. All that any of us knew was we were selected for WestPacTraMid. I got a cruiser. Several flights later, days later, we're standing under a tin shelter at DaNang, heat, humidity, lots of guys with guns. Helos came in at pretty regular intervals to get our sorry asses out of there ASAP and out to our ships in the Gulf of Tonkin. My ship provided AAW defense for the carriers - the NVAF typically chose not to fly when we radiated and never came feet wet; picked up downed aviators with the embarked helo; I learned years later that those guys wearing flip-flops in the wardroom were really SEALs; and they did disembark one night and paddled to a sub; data link was crude but effective, i.e., it really worked. No combat action ribbons for me but my buds who got Gun Line Destroyers did get Combat Action Ribbons in addition to the Vietnam Service Medals. They were so impressed they all went Supply Corps when commissioned. Other buds got carriers- no flying, of course, but many a tale about drinkin' with the airwing bubbas after they trapped back aboard. They all tended to go airdale after commissioning.

1/C Cruise is a life changing event. Being on a ship in a combat zone is pretty close to the best event a carbon-based life form can experience - pretty close to number one but not that close. :D But wars usually end and being a SWO in peacetime seemed pretty "sucky", pardon the expression. :dunce_125 Decided to fly - new number two event. :tongue2_1


USN99: good to see you "back" in Airwarrior cyber-geek-land. These young guys have been beatin' me up ... !!! :) Tough to get any respect these days .... only seen in my cockpit. Or is it fear that I see ??? Or loathing??? Or nausea??? Pity ??? ... ???


It's tough for an old guy to get a break

Hey, A4S, have you seen some of the comments on a thread about CORTRAMID? Is fraternization now the soup de jeur? Either these new Mids are stretching the truth or they view fraternization as an opportunity rather than a violation of Navy Regs.

Come to think of it, when I was the Skipper I did not tolerate what I witnessed other JOs do when I was a JO. Times they were a changin'. :eek:

Back when I was a Mid, I observed some Vietnam-era Midn slugs, quasi-draft dodgers, but at least they behaved with some decorum. Of course, in those days, fraternization was pretty hard to do especially on ships. De was no womins back den. ;)

Anyway, on my way home from the Gulf of Tonkin I highlined from the cruiser to a WWII era oiler for the ride into Subic. (Nice roaches.) I had the opportunity to tour NavSta Subic - listened to the Philipino C&W Band at that noted bar at the NavSta (the old-timers will recall) and visited the famous Cubi Point O'Club. I passed on the opportunity for the Olongapo Orientation course, preferring to be sober to catch the freedom bird back to the world the next day. However, that sort of behavior was the exception and not the rule back then. But I figure I was able to catch up on seeing Olongapo by watching Flight of the Intruder. :(

Alas, in those days drivin' a ship in a combat zone was almost as good as sex, almost. But as I said before, a SWO in peacetime would be just toooooo booooring. :D
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