Well-Known Member
The GPA thing is a question that I also have when I go to apply for OCS. From what I understand, GPA is not the only thing that is looked at on the application package and the ATSB score is the most important, along with extracurricular activities, LOR's etc.
If I am wrong with any of that information, feel free to correct me. I am by no means an expert and am only in the beginning stages of my future naval career.
They have a couple things going on now, they are going to split up the applications into "quality" and "not quality", one of the cutoffs is GPA, the other is the ASTB, now not sure what they are going to do if one is above and one below.
That being said ASTB is looked on very heavy now, GPA second, if you have a bad ASTB you have very slim shot, if you have a poor GPA <2.7 you are pretty much out of luck, as no amount of extra curricular activities is going to overcome bad GPA now, several years ago that wasn't the case, most of the people I have had selected for SNA pretty much had no extracurricular activities.