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2 News chopper collide


Registered User

nutshell: Guy in a police chase; guy get out of car runs in house... news choppers orbit and collide.

I wanted to talk about the legal aspect of this:
"I believe you will want to talk to investigators but I think he will be held responsible for any of the deaths from this tragedy," (Phoenix police Chief Jack) Harris said. He didn't elaborate.

Granted I've only been flying for a couple months now, but I don't see how the criminal can be implicated criminally as the cause of this. I would understand if he was shooting at them and they maneuvered out of the way and collided. But it seems to me that this is the news station/pilots ultimately, because the news station made them report and talk on the radios at the same time.


Granted I've only been flying for a couple months now, but I don't see how the criminal can be implicated criminally as the cause of this.

Why not? In California if a guy has a meth lab that catches fire and a firefighter dies as a result, he can be charged with murder. I don't see how this is much different.


AEDO livin’ the dream
Why not? In California if a guy has a meth lab that catches fire and a firefighter dies as a result, he can be charged with murder. I don't see how this is much different.

This is a bigger stretch--the firefighter is going into to take care of the actual situation, whereas I'm assuming the news helos are allowed to be there, but aren't required to be there. If they had been police choppers specifically tasked to keep an eye on this guy, I could see your argument sticking.

Hadn't even thought about the legal ramifications of this.


Super Moderator

nutshell: Guy in a police chase; guy get out of car runs in house... news choppers orbit and collide.

I wanted to talk about the legal aspect of this:
"I believe you will want to talk to investigators but I think he will be held responsible for any of the deaths from this tragedy," (Phoenix police Chief Jack) Harris said. He didn't elaborate.

Granted I've only been flying for a couple months now, but I don't see how the criminal can be implicated criminally as the cause of this. I would understand if he was shooting at them and they maneuvered out of the way and collided. But it seems to me that this is the news station/pilots ultimately, because the news station made them report and talk on the radios at the same time.

The helo crews died as a result of his actions, it might be a stretch but it is definitely doable.


New Member
I think you all are talking about the "felony murder rule." Basically, if someone is killed as a result of the felony or the escape from the felony, the perp. will be guilty of murder. If my memory serves me right it also implicates anyone else who was a co conspirator to the felony.

That being the case, I think it may be a possibility but not likely that he will be responsible. The reason for this is that the two events were too far separated. At the time of the accident he was fleeing. However, his only fault was to commit the crime and run. He did nothing else. The people in the helicopter's were not trying to catch him. They were only watching. The perp. didn't make them watch and he did nothing to cause them to get into an accident. He has zero affirmative action on his part.

However, It could be argued that he should have realized that committing a felony and subsequently fleeing from the police would result in a media stampede to cover the event. This stampede involves an inherent risk that people may be injured. This would be similar to someone yelling "FIRE" in a crouded theatre in order to confuse the police and get away. And someone ended up being trampled to death.

Nevertheless, if I had my way, it would be the helo crews own fault because there is just about zero connection.


Registered User
If a cop were making a felony stop and someone wrecked and died because they were rubbernecking I would tend to place blame on the individual who was driving irresponsibly, not the perp. I don't see where this situation is any different. Just because they are a "news" crew doesn't absolve them from flying responsibly and they were basically just rubbernecking from the air in the name of "journalism". Unfortunately, it seems our society is so intent on assigning blame for everything that too few people take responsibility for their own actions/stupidity.


You can do anything once.
If two news vans were racing to the scene to cover the incident, and got into a a wreck, i'm not sure any one would think to hold the perpetrator liable.

It's obviously tragic, and stupid people shouldn't run from the police, but 'should' the state hold this guy accountable for their accident it seems kind of a stretch. Now whether or not they will try and stick it to him...that's another story.
Does anyone else think that maybe we are overlooking the simple fact that both the pilots should have been responsible for their own SA and the stations are looking for an insurance write off excuse for their now destroyed helo's

I am not trying to take away from the fact that two pilots died but still if you aren't paying attention to your own aircraft then it's your fault it's on the ground in a heap.


Stayin' alive
This was definitely sad news for us here in the valley. My friend's mother was across the street when this happened. Luckily no one was under them in the park when they came down. Same friend's father who is an attorney came with the technical term for how they can prosecute the guy they chased for the accident. The way I understood it as if you are responsible for the chain of actions that caused a death or damage to property or people while committing a crime, you can be held responsible.

Edit: I don't want to speculate, but they released the transcripts and the last thing said from one helicopter to another is a position check and response being just above. Both moved for whatever reason, pilot error, downwash from above helicopter, not sure.

On top of the helicopter accident yesterday, during the Rush concert I was attending, across the street a 23yr old cop was shot responding to a "forgery in progress" at a check cashing location. The guy ran into the crowd getting out back to their car so the cops were running all over and it took a couple hours to get out of the parking lot.


Well-Known Member
I doubt very seriously that the charge could be made, there is too much seperation from the action of the suspect and the event that caused the death.

The question that I have is: Do we really need 5 news helicopters following the chase?

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
The helo crews died as a result of his actions, it might be a stretch but it is definitely doable.
Riiiigggght. The helo crews didn't die because of what the perp was doing? He wasn't flying either one of the aircraft. There was a choice made on the part of the news stations and as such the helos were dispatched to cover the "news". They surely were not required to be on scene.


Stayin' alive
I doubt very seriously that the charge could be made, there is too much seperation from the action of the suspect and the event that caused the death.

The question that I have is: Do we really need 5 news helicopters follwing the chase?

Despite what you think, they are going to press charges. And the reason for multiple helicopters is because stations compete, and it is called capitalism.


Well-Known Member
I have no doubt that if the D.A. wants to make that charge that it will be made. Having it go to court is another thing altogether. There are many cases where charges are made with motives other than what is obvious.
I don't know what the original case that started the chase, but I would guess that it will be eaiser to obtain a plea on those charges in " exchange " for dropping the murder charge.

I understand that stations compete, but if you're honest with yourself, you'll admit that what they are competing for is to get video of a bad car crash. If that sells and makes them money I'm all for it. The motto " if it bleeds it leeds " has quite a bit of truth to it.


Super Moderator
Riiiigggght. The helo crews didn't die because of what the perp was doing? He wasn't flying either one of the aircraft. There was a choice made on the part of the news stations and as such the helos were dispatched to cover the "news". They surely were not required to be on scene.

Hey, I said it was a stretch, but a case might be made for it. If the chase had not been happening the helos would not have collided.

We are talking a jury of the guys peers. Been to a jury selection lately? What exactly happened to OJ?