By the way, O1 and O2 are ENTRY level ranks...
bennett4362 said:
ok, mr. $2K bah man who doesn't even live in oak harbor.
i'm with kathy and the others who actually live in oak harbor, the bah is totally unacceptable, especially at the O1-O2 ranks.
What is unacceptable? The BAH isn't designed for you to purchase a 2500 sq ft house, it is for you to find
suitable housing, more than likely renting.
BAH is an allowance to offset the cost of housing when you do not receive government-provided housing. Your BAH depends upon your location, pay grade and whether you have dependents. BAH rates are set by surveying the cost of rental properties in each geographic location. The rates are established such that members in each pay grade, independent of location, pay approximately the same out-of-pocket costs. Therefore, BAH rates in high-cost areas will be much greater than those in low-cost areas.
Each market is different, and that is why it is so important when any DFAS surveys come out (whether they are BAH or COLA) that you spend the time and fill them out truthfully so they can assess the market. Though it appears through the following linked pamphlet that they conduct their own indepth analysis:
By the way, O1 and O2 are
ENTRY level ranks, and as discussed in the primer above, you are setup against a 2 bedroom apartment (w/o dependants) or a 2 bedroom townhouse (w/dependants). Looking at the pay chart, you can see how the pay scale ramps up dramatically with rank (just as the pay scale ramps up with rank AND time in service). There is quite a delta between O1 and O3 on that BAH chart.
So, if you want that larger place that you consider suitable, then you can take that out of your overall pay, depending on how deep your pockets are. BAH isn't designed to cover the entire costs involved, so don't make it out like you are getting cheated. I personally, am MUCH more concerned about the E3/4 married to his high school sweetheart, baby on the way, and qualifying for WIC and food stamps (hopefully those days are gone....)
Back to the 2006 BAH chart, as always, glad to see that a Chief (E7) makes more than an O2 for BAH. There would just be something wrong about a Chief with all those years and a larger family (probably) , getting paid less than a freshly minted butter bar. (but, hey, that's just the prior E in my talking, isn't it?

So you don't get the impression that I am ganging up on you with Brett, you aren't the only one in the Navy affected by living in certain locations, where the housing market (sellers/renters) KNOW they have you by the balls... I for one am looking at a hefty increase of ~$260 or so for HI, but it is NOT going to get me into the $700k median market price for a 3/4 bedroom house with a minimum of 1600 sq ft. But it does provide for quite a range on what I can rent.
If it were all about the all mighty dollar, then I would be writing code and tending servers with some of my college friends that are pulling in +$300k right now. But its not, and I get to wear the uniform and go out and do cool things that they don't have a clue about, and never will, except when they ask me about it when I come home over some beers.
I am not busting on you, I feel your pain. I make quite a bit more than you (and SHOCK, a bunch of ppl on here make a tad

bit more than me)... but you take what you can find, smile and live with it.
Oh well, just wanted to put some things in perspective.