Again, this is where a SIPR AW could come in handy. There's a bit more than just "trons downrange" involved in the VAQ mission set, or in replicating the capes of the ICAP III EA-6B and/or EA-18G. But the rant that's in my head right now is classified so it's staying there.. You really can't have an intelligent discussion about the pros/cons of EW assets on AW.
Did either of you guys read the slides on EW in the powerpoint Flash posted? The EW stuff starts about slide 2.1.1 and is worth a read. The whole strategy is to switch away from a specific asset, towards an integrated, persistent, and platform agnostic capability that the MAGTF will actually control and integrate. Call me a Kool-aid drinker, but it sounds like a good plan to me.
If the Marine Prowlers always just get farmed out as a theater asset, then why is the Marine Corps doing the EW heavy lifting? If we were to start from scratch today, who out there would design a system where the smallest service (Marines) flies theater EW? Doesn't that sound like an Air Force/ Navy job?