According to my recruiter, this is a job where most of the applicants are AT1's with aviation degrees, with high GPA's, good OAR scores, and have other distinguishable traits. Truthfully, my recruiter suggested I apply for this, but didn't tell me how hard it is to get accepted, which I am glad, because I would have had anxiety waiting to hear if I had to wait another year to apply. My only advice is to fill you resume with as many distinguishable things as possible. You may also want to start on your aviation degree. I think the only thing that got me accepted is my degree from Embry-Riddle, and a good OAR score. I applied as a civilian, so my application is different from yours, but if there is any part of my application you would like to see, like my statement letter, I would be more than happy to share. Also if you need any advice on how to score well on the OAR.