For the chain of command items, you can search online for the Name/Picture of commanders from the XO of Officer Training Command Newport up to President Obama.
The CoC was like this as of November 2013:
1 Section Leader (everybody in your class gets a chance, rotates daily) USNR
2 Class Chief Petty Officer, Chief/Senior Chief___________USN and Class Drill Instructor SSgt/GySgt_________ USMC
3 Class Officer Lt_________ USN (each class has a different class team, you'll probably meet your class officer on indoc sunday, you'll meet your DI and RDC later in the week- your candios should give you their names though so you know them beforehand)
4 Lead Class Officer Lt.Cmdr Bass USN
5 Officer Candidates School, Course Supervisor, Cmdr Bills USN
6 Executive Officer, Officer Training Command Newport, Cmdr Duehring USN
7 Commanding Officer, Officer Training Command Newport, Capt Kemper USN
8 Commander, Naval Service Training Command, RAdm Mewbourne USN
9 Commander, Naval Education and Training Command, RAdm (Upper Half) Quinn USN
10 Chief of Naval Operations, Adm Greenert USN
11 Secretary of the Navy, The Honorable Ray Maybus
12 Secretary of Defense, The Honorable Chuck Hagel
13 POTUS, The Honorable Barrak Obama
* Notice that the VPOTUS is not in the chain of command. Also, this should be pretty accurate. I hope this helps.