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24MAY2021 Pilot/NFO Board


Well-Known Member
As one of the few AD here I am secretly praying that one of your ORs sends you the list to share. From my understanding, only people access such as command career counselors or actual NCCs have access to those lists. All I have access to is my BOL which will tell me my official results in about 4-5 weeks. If I'm wrong and one of the other AD here has more knowledge please let me know.


Well-Known Member
So to clarify, my recruiter said I don’t have a date yet and nothing on my package had changed.

The district received a full, unofficial list of all the PROREC-Ys and PROREC-Ns for SNA/NFO. My name was on that list. Everyone’s NRD should get the list soon
It is amazing how often recruiters will say they have the "unofficial" list, however that list that is often referenced has the board and NRC signatures on it, that would make it.......... official!

the only other thing is if they were to be looking at a list of OCS dates that are being assigned, but guess what, the processors won't do that until they get the list of Pro Y's from the board, so yet again that can be counted as official.


Well-Known Member
It is amazing how often recruiters will say they have the "unofficial" list, however that list that is often referenced has the board and NRC signatures on it, that would make it.......... official!

the only other thing is if they were to be looking at a list of OCS dates that are being assigned, but guess what, the processors won't do that until they get the list of Pro Y's from the board, so yet again that can be counted as official.
I thought the same thing. I assumed it was the list with pro-rec’d folks who are starting to get filled into seats. @Mouselovr mentioned there wasn’t a date though, just the names and selected or not selected.
If there was a list of just selects and non-selects, I would once again assume that triads would be getting the results pretty soon as well.
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Active Member
As one of the few AD here I am secretly praying that one of your ORs sends you the list to share. From my understanding, only people access such as command career counselors or actual NCCs have access to those lists. All I have access to is my BOL which will tell me my official results in about 4-5 weeks. If I'm wrong and one of the other AD here has more knowledge please let me know.

I am only on here right now because a buddy of mine from prior enlisted time asked me to look at a few of the comments. For background, since everyone on here loves that, I am a former enlisted Navy PO1/E6 and went through OCS in late 2017 to February 2018.

One of the biggest things that irked me while I awaited OCS results and irks me now after reading the comments in this forum, is the amount of rumors and misinformation being put out.

The below things I call out are not all directed at you JDurkin, I apologize in advance, but you were the first one I decided to hit reply on.

1) Any active duty member with a CAC card and navy email address can see the final lists when they are finalized and signed by the community manager. They are posted to a share point accessible from MyNavyHR. The keyword I want to point out is when they are FINALIZED!! This leads me to point number two.

2) Active-duty will understand this, and for those civilians who don’t already know, the Navy moves at its own pace and often times extremely SLOW. Things are drawn out even more around holidays. So for those of you who think that board results have already made it through chop chains and uploaded for the 24MAY Board, that would be extremely fast and not likely. First, the board occurred on Monday, and probably took the whole day. Nothing was sent out to anyone on that day. Tuesday, the results possibly got signed, again possibly, signed by board leadership and routed up the chains at recruiting command and through personnel. This process often takes days, if not weeks. And let me point out again that this was a holiday week. Most commands in the Navy had Friday off, which meant Thursday was a short day too. Just relax, be patient, and understand the system is massive and officer applications are a small part of it. OCS graduates 60-80 people every 3 weeks. Recruit Training Command (notice the word recruit - recruiting command feeds this pipeline) graduates 700-1000 EVERY SINGLE week.

3) For those going SNA/SNFO, having more or less or no flight hours will likely do nothing for your OCS application. The Navy will train you exactly how they want you to fly and what checklists are standard. Civilian flight experience is great but will not be weighed heavily, if at all on applications. Secondly, rumors about API and wait times fly constantly. The only place to listen to for information on that is the flight management office at API. If they don’t physically work in that office, you’ve got bad gouge.

Thanks for listening, you all can feel free to reach out if you have questions.


Well-Known Member
I am only on here right now because a buddy of mine from prior enlisted time asked me to look at a few of the comments. For background, since everyone on here loves that, I am a former enlisted Navy PO1/E6 and went through OCS in late 2017 to February 2018.

One of the biggest things that irked me while I awaited OCS results and irks me now after reading the comments in this forum, is the amount of rumors and misinformation being put out.

The below things I call out are not all directed at you JDurkin, I apologize in advance, but you were the first one I decided to hit reply on.

1) Any active duty member with a CAC card and navy email address can see the final lists when they are finalized and signed by the community manager. They are posted to a share point accessible from MyNavyHR. The keyword I want to point out is when they are FINALIZED!! This leads me to point number two.

2) Active-duty will understand this, and for those civilians who don’t already know, the Navy moves at its own pace and often times extremely SLOW. Things are drawn out even more around holidays. So for those of you who think that board results have already made it through chop chains and uploaded for the 24MAY Board, that would be extremely fast and not likely. First, the board occurred on Monday, and probably took the whole day. Nothing was sent out to anyone on that day. Tuesday, the results possibly got signed, again possibly, signed by board leadership and routed up the chains at recruiting command and through personnel. This process often takes days, if not weeks. And let me point out again that this was a holiday week. Most commands in the Navy had Friday off, which meant Thursday was a short day too. Just relax, be patient, and understand the system is massive and officer applications are a small part of it. OCS graduates 60-80 people every 3 weeks. Recruit Training Command (notice the word recruit - recruiting command feeds this pipeline) graduates 700-1000 EVERY SINGLE week.

3) For those going SNA/SNFO, having more or less or no flight hours will likely do nothing for your OCS application. The Navy will train you exactly how they want you to fly and what checklists are standard. Civilian flight experience is great but will not be weighed heavily, if at all on applications. Secondly, rumors about API and wait times fly constantly. The only place to listen to for information on that is the flight management office at API. If they don’t physically work in that office, you’ve got bad gouge.

Thanks for listening, you all can feel free to reach out if you have questions.

Good information. I work at NASC currently and for those wondering the wait is long.


Well-Known Member
One of the biggest things that irked me while I awaited OCS results and irks me now after reading the comments in this forum, is the amount of rumors and misinformation being put out.

I agree, and unfortunately a lot of that is due to NRD's not passing on info from NRC, it is like the NRD's are not aware there is something called the internet and applicants talk to each other.