Greetings everyone, current update from a SOC that has technology during the stand-down period.
Things I wish I knew before coming:
The best advice I can give currently is to study Bravo before you get here, study Charlie during the first week of ROM and then focus on Delta. Once you hit JOC phase, Naval History and ENG/WEPS gets thrown at you with no remorse in between sessions of drill. Right after sixth week, you have around two and a half weeks to be ready for OPI and the Watch-O exam, this two weeks goes by really fast. Utilize your time wisely.
If it is the winter bring thermals, this place is cold. Learned that the hard way. Upon the beginning of Indoc phase you are give gift cards for the Uniform Store to buy your uniforms, which equates to around $3500, this does not have to be paid back until you are nearing the end of your stay at OCS. A stipend was awarded totaling $1881 for Uniforms, listed on MyPay.
Due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19 (crazy how small of a world this place is) OHARP is secured until further notice with a travel time alotted of 4 days to arrive in Pensacola (depending on circumstances, but is typically determined by station to station distance, not previous home to station). Leave that is accumulated during your time at OCS can be used as long as you show up to Pensacola prior to your arrive before date listed on your orders.
If you have any questions and/or want adivce I will answer what I can!