Hey Congrats all on your selection for OCS! Sounds like y'all are going to be Class 07-24? I was a with class 07-22 almost two years ago; time flies. I'm currently an SNA in primary training and every so often like to jump back on here and answer any questions y'all may have. Please don't hesitate to message me. It's a way of paying it forward to those who reached out to us when we were lost in the sauce approaching our OCS date.
Feel free to ask about anything: arrival procedures, what to bring (I'm prior enlisted), what to do to best prepare, or just overall navigation of OCS.
One thing I'll address right now is the shock of arrival. The first week of in processing and anticipation can really get to some people (especially us aviators who learned our flight physicals were taking 16+ wks to process, good times in student pool though). The thought of DORing may not seem prevalent now but I was shocked how may people actually decide to DOR during my time at OCS. Even after all the BS y'all went through just to get the application submitted and then get accepted, people still DOR almost with no hesitation. To make matters worse, the threat of getting rolled looms. If you do get rolled, DO NOT take it personal. I saw absolute physical specimens get rolled in indoc phase during physical events and people like me who run 3 miles a year pass just fine. Rolling sucks sure because you watch you initial classmates move on and graduate before you but rolling presents an opportunity to really prepare yourself for the rest of OCS. Plus those who rolled into our class where like gold because of their experience. I say this because I saw so many people DOR after rolling or simple not wanting to be there regret it. Keep this in mind: if you DOR, you don't go home right away, you still have to be processes IN the Navy and THEN processed OUT. By the time those who DOR'ed got to go home, our class was selecting CandiO jobs.
People do have to DOR for other reasons that are beyond anyone's control. That happened to a couple people when I was there. If anything comes up that makes you think you're only option is to DOR, talk with your class team about it, they will find a way to help you out.
OCS is 13wks plus a mini break if you roll and it goes by fast. A great attitude, sense of humor, and teamwork makes the suck more tolerable. I wanted nothing more than for OCS to be over when I was there, but all my friends out here in primary training are from OCS.
Lmk if you have questions!
Good Luck!