Correction on the PFA. Out just has to be sats across the board. Super easy stuff. The biggest ones to worry about are the IST and the mid pfa. IST people will adjust or something on their push-ups and have to start over, usually not making sat and end up rolling. Those people usually don't have an issue with the run and make it through after their 3 week stint in h class. Mid pfa fails get comfortable with theit sat run times and have a reality check come week 8.
Weight lifting had almost zero bearing on my success here. Train planks, curl ups (pfa style), pushups, leg lifts, bear crawl, crab walk and suicides. Throw in a 3 mile run 3-4 times a week and you shouldn't have a problem. I think a lot of people get caught up in having to be strong in order to make it through, false, you have to be mentally and physically tough and learn not to give up or take the easy way through a workout.
See you all in pcola.