I had everything pretty much down pat just have to rememorize it all but the songs I had trouble with. Any good videos that have the correct verses you know if??
On tidal, Oscar Band version like abf said. They changed one line, “find us always” to “always find us” but otherwise it’s correct. I’ve just started listening to it, hopefully it’ll get drilled into my head from multiple listens haha.
I’m still working on the last two watchstanding principles and some of the ranks, but the rest is good (I hope). Haven’t done chain of command because I wanted to wait until we were at Newport.
Hello everyone! Why’s everyone doing with all this extra time not checking air warriors?
I became a billionaire and created a multi national company. Crazy how much time I spent on here ?
Is it possible to learn this power? From a Jedi?
I just live my normal life: work, gym, hobbies. Going to start memorizing Bravo soon. Made a list of things I need to pack with me when I go to OCS, so going to buying things Im missing here soon too.
Pretty much same. Fitness, appendix B and other gouge, and enjoying hobbies. There’s an official packing list on the OTC website btw, in case you need more details