The reading portion is rough with the navy regulations. But You need to do a process of elimination with those.
Write down ABCD on your scratch paper before you start each question. Read through the answers then strike through the obviously wrong ones. The ASTB study guide books are really helpful in teaching you how to do it. You have to look out for the all-encompassing words like always and never. just doing that throws out one or two answers depending on the question.
For the math section use the Khan Academy videos and a GRE study book to brush up on Algebra. Just start in the basic algebra section of one of those GRE study books That helped me the most.
For the mechanical portion study the proprofs flashcard set. the ASTB study guides are great at helping you brush up on your physics concepts as well. but for practice, I found the flashcard set the most helpful.
Study ASTB Mechanics Comprehension Questions Flashcards Flashcards at ProProfs - Study and learn the ASTB Mechanics Comprehension quiz-based flashcards. Attempt this set of flashcards which are simple and easy and learn about ASTB Mechanics Comprehension with us. Do go through them and get to...
Your best source of information is to Poke around on 1001 questions about the ASTB lots of really good advice on there. Even the advice from people as far back as 2015 is extremely helpful.
Hey just a suggestion, take it or leave it, your username should be FloriDad Can you change usernames? Hahaha